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For the first time ever, the two leading choirs in the world of Jewish music โ€“ the Malchus and Shira choirs โ€“ and the two best orchestras in the world of Jewish music โ€“ Hamenagnim and Freiich, with some 50 musicians between them, will appear together on one stage at the Dirshu Siyum Hashas to be held this Sunday. Following an unprecedented wave of requests, an additional hall has been opened close to the original hall in New Jersey.

Dirshu opened the chain of siyumim worldwide when it held its siyum event at the Jerusalem International Convention Center on Motzai Shabbos Chanuka โ€“ the event which served as the first of all the siyumim in the Jewish world, and it is also the Dirshu organization which is closing the series of siyumim for the 12th Daf Hayomi cycle.

In an unprecedented event to be held at the Prudential Center, the largest indoor arena in the USA, some 45,000 people will attend the siyum with the participation of maranan vโ€™rabanan, shlita, from all over the Jewish world, choirs, and tens of thousands of Jews from Dirshu families in North America.

The delegation from Eretz Yisroel will be headed by the Sanzer Rebbe, shlita, who will complete the Shas at the important event and give chizzuk; HaGaon HaGadol Rav Dovid Cohen, shlita, member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah, Rosh Yeshiva of Chevron and member of the Dirshu world presidency; HaGaon HaTzaddik Rav Shimon Galai, shlita, and HaGaon HaTzaddik Rav Aharon Toisig, shlita.

This time Dirshu is breaking historical records with its musical production. For the first time ever, the two leading choirs in the world of Jewish music โ€“ the Malchus Choir from Israel and the Shira Choir from the United States, as well as the two best orchestras in the world of Jewish music โ€“ Hamenagnim and Freiich, with some 50 musicians between them, will perform together on the same stage.

During the event, which will set new records for investing efforts into siyumei haShas, Dirshuโ€™s new and poignant melodies which were composed especially for the series of siyumei haShas will be sung in honor of the Torah, with Shalom Wagshal presiding over the musical production. Artist and composer, Reb Mona Rosenblum, will present an incredible composition โ€œBehisasef Roshei Amโ€, which was written especially for the occasion and will be performed by Reb Motty Steinmetz and Reb Zanvil Weinberger. The event will include additional songs by the Hamenagnim Orchestra and the Malchus Choir and singers Reb Yisroel Adler, Reb Shlomie Cohen, Eli Herzlich, Zanvil Weinberger, Ahrele Samet, and child soloist Dudi Hershkop, conducted by Moishy Roth, Ruvi Banet, and Moshe Laufer. The event is produced by MC Productions.

A special and moving 30-minute presentation will also be screened, โ€œHiney Yomim Boโ€™imโ€ which was prepared by Reb Mordechai Tzin and Reb Yosef Pollack, and moves between the two world wars and describes the great blow struck to the glorious world of European Jewry. The special presentation, which includes live exhibits on the stage, touchingly tells the amazing story of a father and son who were at the World Congress of Agudas Yisroel in Vienna in 1923. It moves between various places in the history of Europeโ€™s Jews on the eve of its great destruction, and demonstrates the importance of the daf gemorra in continuing the chain of the generations.

Following an unprecedented wave of requests for the Prudential Center arena in New Jersey which contains tens of thousands of seats, all the tickets were sold out several weeks ago, and the Dirshu USA management decided to open an additional hall, the NJPAC which holds thousands more seats, to accommodate those who wish to participate in the great event. At this venue, musical giants Reb Levy Falkowitz and Reb Motty Ilowitz will appear together with the orchestra of Reb Shia Berko, with selected parts from the central arena broadcast to the nearby hall throughout the evening.

#Dirshu #SiyumHashas #PrudentialCenter

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Mazel Tov! Dancing at the Grand Dirshu Siyum Hashas in Prudential Center

צפו: השירה והריקודים הסוחפים בסיום הש”ס בארה”ב רבבות השתתפו ביום ראשון בסיום הש”ס שערך ארגון ‘דרשו’ בארה”ב במעמד גדולי ישראל, כשעל הצד המוזיקלי מנצחים גדולי המפיקים, הזמרים והמקהלות – בהם; אייזיק האניג, אהרלה סמט, מוטי שטיינמץ, ישראל אדלר, זאנוויל וינברגר וכן מקהלות שירה ומלכות לצד מקהלת הילדים ‘אידיש נחת’ • צפו בקטע מרהיב מהריקודים הסוחפים…


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