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The annual Modzitzer Sukkos kumzitz was held this Wednesday evening at the residence of R’ Aron Orlander in Boro Park, Brooklyn. Despite the stormy weather outside, the packed sukkah was filled with warmth and delight, as, for over two hours, a lively crowd sang famous Modzitzer favorites, in addition to rarely heard gems from the Modzitz canon. The kumzitz’s leaders, R’ Aron Orlander and R’ Dovid Bick, demonstrated the breadth of the Modzitz repertoire, selecting niggunim of pure joy, as well as those of spiritual longing, articulated in the unique Modzitz style. R’ Dov Lenchevsky skillfully accompanied the singing on piano, and world-famous musician R’ Andy Statman treated the crowd to his artistry on both clarinet and mandolin.

A particularly powerful moment of the evening was the singing of the “First Opera,” written by the Imrei Shaul of Modzitz. The first of five complex niggunim referred to as “operas” due to their length, the piece begins with a sweet major key melody, which develops over the course of the piece, switching keys and moods dramatically, and ultimately building to a triumphant fervor. The piece is a wonderful example of the Modzitz dynasty’s immense skill in the realm of melody, and it is a great service to the world that the skilled musicians who performed at the kumzitz share their knowledge so freely. All who were in attendance surely left feeling inspired and uplifted.

Modzitzer Kumzitz in Boro Park, Sukkot 5780 | קומזיץ בבארא פארק – חול המועד סוכות תש״פ – מודז’יץ


The annual Modzitzer Sukkos kumzitz was held this Wednesday evening at the residence of R’ Aron Orlander in Boro Park, Brooklyn. Despite the stormy weather outside, the packed sukkah was filled with warmth and delight, as, for over two hours, a lively crowd sang famous Modzitzer favorites, in addition to rarely heard gems from the…

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