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Chaim Meir Erps a.k.a. CME has become well known in the Jewish world the last few years as a man who wears MANY hats. He does grammen at simchas, sings at events and for organizations but, most importantly, anyone and everyone who knows him says that he is a great friend who has an extremely positive outlook on life.

For CME performing at a simcha whether its a grammen or singing, says it’s not about him. “It’s about the connection one can form with people and how through that connection inspire them.” When performing, CME feels that connection with the audience no matter in English, Yiddish or Hebrew (he’s multi-lingual). Over the years CME has been compiling and working on some original material which a select few have been privileged to hear. Amongst them, producer, arranger and choir master Avromi Berko heard his song and said on the spot that he wanted to arrange the song and produced it with choir. So he did. The new single “Dus Lechtele” was composed and features lyrics written by CME. The reason for releasing this song was not to further his career or advertise himself, no. Rather to being a very important message to klal yisroel. The world is filled with so much sorrow and pain, and as much as we’d like to, we can’t change the world. However you can be that one “candle” which creates a little light and inspires others until we make the world a better place one person at a time.

The song is going to be available as a FREE download.

CME (Chaim Meir Erps) Dus Lechtele חיים מאיר ערפס – דאס לעכטעלע


Chaim Meir Erps a.k.a. CME has become well known in the Jewish world the last few years as a man who wears MANY hats. He does grammen at simchas, sings at events and for organizations but, most importantly, anyone and everyone who knows him says that he is a great friend who has an extremely…

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