Speaking on the changing tactics of Al Qaeda, Lynch spoke her office’s cooperation with federal and local law enforcement agencies in preventing acts of terrorism. “Our primary focus is the prevention of terrorist attacks before they occur,” Lynch said. “The nature of the threat has shifted. The mobilization of the lone wolf terrorist, coached by the larger group but acting alone. Another shift is the rise of the home-grown terrorist.” Lynch listed off a list of recently thwarted terrorist attacks, noting that some 400 individuals have been prosecuted over the past decade for attempting to organize attacks. These individuals received Al Qaeda’s message through strategic marketing via the internet and a magazine. Lynch added that two of Al Qaeda’s American-born propagandists were recently terminated by air strikes.
November 10, 2011
Speaking on the changing tactics of Al Qaeda, Lynch spoke her office’s cooperation with federal and local law enforcement agencies in preventing acts of terrorism. “Our primary focus is the prevention of terrorist attacks before they occur,” Lynch said. “The nature of the threat has shifted. The mobilization of the lone wolf terrorist, coached by…
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