New York – With a resume that is long and eclectic, Ashdod’s Rabbi Lazer Brody defies description. He holds a degree in agriculture from the University of Maryland, served in two of Israel’s wars, survived numerous counter-insurgence and anti-terrorist missions, studied personal and family counseling on a postgraduate level and created a faith reinforcement rehabilitation programs for convicts. Author of several acclaimed books, Rabbi Brody is also the director of Emuna Outreach, serves as the English language editor of Bresolv Israel’s website, has a successful daily web journal entitled “Lazer Beams ” and as a musician and composer has a CD of his own entitled “Calming Waters.”
But Rabbi Brody, a baal teshuva who is a staunch Breslover chasid, is perhaps best known for his work translating all of Rabbi Shalom Arush’s works, including the international best seller “The Garden of Emuna ” into English. The book has sold more then 1 Million copies.
VIN News is proud to present an exclusive four part video interview with the renowned Rabbi Lazer Brody who will discuss Emunah, Shalom Bayis and dealing with children at risk. Be sure to check back daily with VIN News to watch each installment of this fascinating interview.
In the first segment, Rabbi Brody describes how a self proclaimed “Jewish cowboy” discovered the beauty of yiddishkeit after hearing his neshoma calling his name in the midst of a deadly battle.