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Welcome to the Latest Talks Podcast!

Here we shmooze and try to cover all kinds of interesting topics, so you can enjoy top-quality Yiddish entertainment.


This project started off as a Latest Talks+ project, but quickly became extremely costly and complex. Despite the challenges, we continued forward because we believed this information would greatly benefit our loyal Latest Talks+ members. After speaking with Yiddishe DAF sponsor companies to research and confirm the accuracy of our script, they suggested making it an official project for Purim, especially considering that we were just two weeks away, and Purim is unarguably the single biggest day of charity giving by Klal Yisroel.

So, with less than two weeks before Purim, The Donors Fund jumped in and immediately offered to sponsor, regardless of the budget, and wanted us to make this project available not just for our loyal Latest Talks+ members but also to all our beloved and amazing subscribers and viewers who thirst for valuable knowledge as this, which they really benefit from.

So thanks again to The Donors Fund for partnering with us for this amazing project and helping sponsor such an important cause, which will be helping thousands of Yidden in the community with organizing their charity, especially when it comes to complex investments.

Sign up with The Donors Fund today and start giving Ma’aser:


Produced by: Pinchus Raab
Researched & Scripted by: Pinchus Raab
Co-Produced by: Lazer Deutsch
Filmed by: TwoTone Media
Edited by: Pinchus Raab, Sruly Tyberg, Lazer Deutsch
Sponsored By: The Donors Fund

And special thanks to Yoni Steinfeld, Yossi Blumenfeld, Momo Teitelbaum, as well as the entire Latest Talks team for their exceptional teamwork and the tremendous efforts they put into this project ๐Ÿ™.


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#Charity #LatestTalks #SeasonalProjects

Charity Accounts Explained!


Welcome to the Latest Talks Podcast! Here we shmooze and try to cover all kinds of interesting topics, so you can enjoy top-quality Yiddish entertainment. ————- This project started off as a Latest Talks+ project, but quickly became extremely costly and complex. Despite the challenges, we continued forward because we believed this information would greatly…

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