Dear Parents,Teachers or, Jewish Program Directors, עמו״ש
Rabbanim and Gedolai Yisroel have encouraged the Children’s Geula Gathering to arrange gatherings of Torah, Tefilah and Tzedaka for children, all over the world, to thank Hashem for the miracles ans to plead for the Geula Shelyama right away.
We follow the example of Mordechai Hatzadik who gathered 22,000 children to learn Torah and daven. Just like the miracles began to unfold after that gathering we are sure that our children gathering today will bring Yeshuos and be mekarev the geula shelayma!
מפי עוללים ויונקים יסדת עוז.
Have your children be part of the 22,000 children!
When? Erev Purim through Pesach
1. Gather the children
2. Do Torah, Tefilah and Tzedaka (see outline in booklet attached)
3. Empower them, as Mordechai’s children were, to know that they can bring Geula!
1. Sing-Along visual presentations. (English and Yiddish) https://vimeo.com/user59509485
2. Lyrics ( English and Yiddish) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AEVjUAB2hLnzgb5dxqNYN7SsPHXEGKwcctbaPBQu8As/edit
2. Booklet with learning/ davening
suggestions of Rav Chaim Kanievsky and Moshiach Brachos cards.
3. Coloring sheet of Mordechai gathering children:
Endorsed by:
Harah Chaim Kanievsky Shlita
Harav Asher Weiss Shlita
HaRav Yitzchok Sorotzkin Shlita
Harav Moshe Wolfson Shlita
Provided to by Torah Umesora schools.
Video of gedolim endorsements:
Thank you for your efforts in contributing to the receiving of Moshiach quickly bechesed Uvrachamim!
The Children’s Geula Gathering.
Vocals Yossi Pachmen
Lyrics Mrs. Nissy Bineth
Originally performed by Isaac Honig
Recorded at Chein Studios (Monsey Ny)
Video by C Klinger 718-419-0076
Project Coordinators:
Mrs Devoiry Herzog
Mrs Dina Polter
Mrs Leah Engel
Mrs Tiferes Chanman
A project of Children’s Geula Gathering