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Talented wedding singer Moishy Freund was sitting in his Sukkah one Yom Tov Sukkes, and spotted a beautiful picture hanging on the wall, where an old shoe maker is sitting in his shop and is fixing shoes to the light of a candle, with the words

כל זמן שהנר דולק עוד אפשר לתקן

Portraying the story told by the holy R’ Yisroel Salanter, that once he was walking home from Shul late at night and saw the shoe maker still in his shop working, R’ Yisroel approached him and asked: “Why are you here & working so late?” To which the shoe maker replied “You see, as long as the light of the candle is still burning, there’s still time to accomplish..” R’ Yisroel learned & taught a very big Muser Haskel & lesson to his students, that while the light of life is still burning, there’s time to learn Torah & accomplish a lot.

Moishy inspired of this tale, started to compose a song with this concept and lyrics, with inspiration to “Do the next right thing” & not wait until it’s Ch”v too late.

Then he reached out to the producer of the track Shmily Steinberg, that involved David Taub from Israel to do this incredible arrangement, and after working a long time on the project, the song was finally ready to release!

Special Thanks to all who have helped & supported this project all along.

Composed & Sung by: Moishy Freund.
Produced by: Shmily Steinberg.
Music Arranged by: David Taub.
Choirs by: David Taub.
Drums: Avi Avidani
Guitars: Avi Singolda
Saxophone & Flutes: Nitzan Ein Habar.
Strings: Zmirot Group.
Brass: Rafi Davidov, Moran Baron.
Recordings: Tenor Studio, Edgware Studio, Zmirot (Banet) Studio
Sound Engineer: Avi Korlansky, Dudi Roth.
Vocals Recorded by: Gershy Schwarts – Edgeware Studios.
Mixed & Mastered by: Gershy Schwarts – Edgeware Studios.
Design & Artwork by: ArrangeIt.Media.

For Bookings please call +1 (347) 645-1924.
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כל זמן שהנר דולק,
עוד אפשר לתקן..

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ווייל כל זמן שהנר דולק, אפשר לתקן..

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ווייל כל זמן שהנר דולק, אפשר לתקן..

#MoishyFreund #MosheFreund

Moishy Freund – Kol Zman | מוישי פריינד – כל זמן


Talented wedding singer Moishy Freund was sitting in his Sukkah one Yom Tov Sukkes, and spotted a beautiful picture hanging on the wall, where an old shoe maker is sitting in his shop and is fixing shoes to the light of a candle, with the words כל זמן שהנר דולק עוד אפשר לתקן Portraying the…

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