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History Is Being Made With Dirshu’s Siyum Hashas In Paris: 5,000 Tickets Sold Within A Few Days

The Siyum Hashas events are arousing great interest and enthusiasm on the part of the community, but we have never seen such an excited response from a community who is not used to events like this. Within a few days, 5,000 tickets were sold in France to the Siyum Hashas which will take place this coming Sunday, 15th Teves, in Paris, organized by Dirshu at the Dôme de Paris arena.

“We are talking about a historic event in the country, with unprecedented unity among all the Jewish communities, from the Consistoire to the most important Torah institutions of French Torah Jewry will gather under one roof for an incredible event in honor of the Torah. There will be performances by singer Meydad Tasa, the Malchus Choir, the Hamenagnim orchestra, and more.

ccording to Rabbi Shlomo Elhadad, one of the Dirshu rabbis in France, the planned siyum has the entire country excited. “There has never been an occasion like this in all of Jewish France’s history,” he says. ‘This is the first time that an event of this size has been staged. Five thousand participants from all over France, singers, rabbonim, an emotional occasion in honor of the Torah that unites all of French Jewry around Torah. I can say that this is the type of event that will go down in history. The demand for tickets is enormous, people feel they are making history here.”

“What is special here is the celebration in honor of the Torah, and those who study Daf Hayomi – whose number is, baruch Hashem, growing in France, and also the exceptional unity. From the Consistoire to the Litvish communities and Chabad. The invitation we sent out features all the Jewish communities in France, just seeing the letter is moving,” explains Rabbi Elhadad.

“Everyone will come to the siyum, thousands of French Jews, bochrim from yeshivos ketanos and gedolos, those who have become closer to Torah, traditional Jews, Ashkenazim and Sephardim – everyone together at a lofty event of ahavas Torah,” adds Rabbi Elhadad. “A large number of important rabbonim from Israel as well as rabbonim from France will participate in the historic occasion. This event will undoubtedly strengthen ahavas Torah and expand the circle of those learning Daf Hayomi – the main aim for which Dirshu is investing so much in producing the siyum to the highest possible standards.”

Replay: Dirshu’s Siyum Hashas – Paris | צרפת | סיום הש”ס המרכזי שע”י מעצמת עולם התורה דרשו


History Is Being Made With Dirshu’s Siyum Hashas In Paris: 5,000 Tickets Sold Within A Few Days The Siyum Hashas events are arousing great interest and enthusiasm on the part of the community, but we have never seen such an excited response from a community who is not used to events like this. Within a…

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