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עש”ק שמיני-החודש תשפ”ד
מצורף כאן קליפ מהיום מהחלוקה לכבוד שבת קודש
כ”ק האדמו”ר מקאליש שליט”א מברך את תומכי לחמי מרדכי

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Irgun Lachmei Mordechai

Sends large packages of meat, fish, challos, cakes, candies, salads, disposable utensils and other staples every week and before every yomtov to more than 130 families who have lost their husband and father or wife and mother. In total, over 360 orphans in the city of Beit Shemesh benefit from these packages.

The homes of these children who have suffered such a terrible tragedy are
illuminated by these packages and their broken hearts are filled with hope and joy. The cost of preparing these packages adds up to a huge amount every week.

Irgum Lachmei Mordechai

Has established 5 branches across Eretz Yisroel – in Yerushalaim, Beit
Shemesh, Tzefas and Bnei Brak – where thousands of dairy supplies – including yogurt, cheese and butter, as well as a number of other basic foodstuffs – are distributed at a subsidized rate to tens of thousands of needy families of bnei Torah and impoverished people every week. The cost of this operation equals tens of thousands of shekels every week.

Irgun Lachmei Mordechai

Has established 17 branches across Eretz Yisroel where challos and cakes for Shabbos are distributed at extremely subsidized (almost free) prices. More than 10,000 challos and packages of rugelach are distributed in less than 20 minutes to thousands of families in Yerushalaim, Beitar, Beit Shemesh, Kiryat Gat and Elad.

לחמי מרדכי מזון ישעי’
הארגון הוקם לפני חמישה שנים ע”י הגה”צ רבי מאיר איתמר רוזנבוים שליט”א בעל דרך אמונה
בן כ”ק אדמו”ר מקרעטשניף ירושלים שליט”א

חלוקת לחמי מרדכי לאלמנות פרשת שמיני תשפ”ד | Lachmei Mordechai Weekly Distribution. Parashas Shemini


עש”ק שמיני-החודש תשפ”ד מצורף כאן קליפ מהיום מהחלוקה לכבוד שבת קודש כ”ק האדמו”ר מקאליש שליט”א מברך את תומכי לחמי מרדכי To Donate Quick pay us to Email: [email protected] or by credit card, press the link Irgun Lachmei Mordechai Sends large packages of meat, fish, challos, cakes, candies, salads, disposable utensils and other staples every…

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