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On the heels of an inspiring visit to the tri-state region during which tens of thousands of people thronged to catch a glimpse of him, HaGaon HaRav Shaul Alter shlit”a embarked on a visit this week to the Los Angeles area, where he was once again greeted by the multitudes of people seeking chizuk, hadracha, and inspiration from the famed rosh yeshiva of Yeshivas Pnei Menachem.

Fittingly, HaRav Chaim Boruch Runin, the rav of K’hal Eitz Chaim of Vizhnitz declared that the entire Los Angeles community should make the bracha “shechalak maychachmasoi l’yeraiav” and “shehecheyanu” upon seeing the world-renowned giant of Torah and avodah.

HaRav Baruch Gradon, a rosh kollel in Los Angeles’ Pico neighborhood, expressed the incredible privilege afforded to the yidden on the West Coast with Rav Shaul Alter’s visit, and HaRav Shlomo Klein referring to the revered rosh yeshiva as “sar hatorah,” a term reserved for the loftiest lomdei torah.

Over the course of his visit, HaRav Shaul shlit”a visited numerous shuls, batei midrashim, and yeshivos, leaving thousands – chassidim, litvish, and modern people alike – in awe of his greatness and inspired to pursue greater heights in their torah and avodah.

On Tuesday, HaRav Shaul was invited to the home of Rabbi Pinny Dunner in Beverly Hills, who described the visit of the cherished rosh yeshiva as monumental for his community.

“What is so unique about Rav Shaul is his ability to connect with yidden of every stripe and background,” Rabbi Dunner told YWN. “His incredible warmth and unparalleled devotion to avodas hashem and harbotzas torah have rightfully made him a leader not just of his own chassidim, but of the entire klal yisroel.”

The Rosh Yeshiva will remain in Los Angeles until Wednesday evening,

“על פי ה’ יסעו”

תקציר מרתק מהיום הראשון למסע רבינו ראש הישיבה מגור שליט”א לביקור חיזוק בקהילות החרדים בלוס אנג’לס

• ביאת רבינו שליט”א ללוס אנג’לס
• תפילת שחרית ושיחה בת”ת “תורת אמת”
• שיעור בכולל “מרכז התורה”
• בבית המארח הנגיד ר’ זאב וואלמארק הי”ו
• תפילת מנחה ושיחה בישיבת “אור אלחנן” חב”ד
• ביקור בבית הנגיד ר’ דייויד הגר הי”ו
• ביקור בבית הנגיד ר’ ראובן גריידין הי”ו
• קבלת פנים בביהכנ”ס וקהל “אור החיים” בהשתתפות רבני העיר והקהילות

יום א’ י”ג סיוון תשפ”ב, לוס אנג’לס

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מסע ראש הישיבה מגור בלוס אנג’לס – תקציר יום א | Rav Shaul Alter Historic Visit To Los Angeles – P1

On the heels of an inspiring visit to the tri-state region during which tens of thousands of people thronged to catch a glimpse of him, HaGaon HaRav Shaul Alter shlit”a embarked on a visit this week to the Los Angeles area, where he was once again greeted by the multitudes of people seeking chizuk, hadracha,…


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