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סיום מסכת חולין ע”י דרשו בטבריה, הפקה: טיפ הפקות אירועים

“The city of Teveriah has never seen such a powerful, overt demonstration of the importance of Torah. The crowd was massive, and it was clear that residents of Teveriah who care about Yiddishkeit were deeply moved. To see two octogenarian, leading gedolim, the Ashkenazi gaon Rav Baruch Mordechai Ezrachi, shlita, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Ateres Yisrael, and the Sefardi gaon, Rav Shimon Baadani, shlita, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah V’Chaim, together with the Chassidishe gedolim, the sons of the Sanz-Klausenberger Rebbe, and the Stolin-Karliner Rebbe, who all troubled themselves to travel to Teveriah and give messages of chizuk to the city’s inhabitants was the greatest demonstration of achdus and kevod haTorah that the city has seen in a long time!” declared Reb David Ohana, a member of the City Council of Teveriah for Degel HaTorah.

What happened in Teveriah during the week of Rosh Chodesh Nissan and why was it so historic and significant? The event was a siyum on Masechta Chullin that the daf ha’yomi had recently completed, which is a great simcha in and of itself, but, truth be told, it was far more significant than that.

It is no secret to everyone living in Eretz Yisrael and many in the diaspora that the Torah-observant population of Teveriah is under siege. The recently elected mayor of Teveriah, Ron Kubi, is a rabidly anti-religious demagogue who has effectively used social media in his frenzied battle against religion in Teveriah and against chareidim in particular. He has made a conscious effort to trample on the kedushah of Shabbos in the city and has done everything in his power to thwart the growth of the city’s religious community.

Recently, a number of Teveriah’s prominent rabbanim and askanim went to Rav Gershon Edelstein, shlita, rosh yeshiva of Ponovezh, to consult him on what they can do. The rosh yeshiva’s unequivocal reply was that if he is trying to retard the growth of Torah and denigrate its honor, then the response must be to increase Torah learning and k’vod haTorah in the city.

It was in light of this advice from the senior gadol ha’dor that the hanhallah of Dirshu decided to invest a tremendous amount of resources in Teveriah, promoting limud haTorah and accountability in learning.

After thanking Dirshu for promoting Torah in the city in an unprecedented way, Rav Ezrachi went on to thank an unlikely protagonist in the drama occurring in Teveriah during recent months. The rosh yeshiva said, “When the Bnei Yisrael left Mitzrayim, we find that Pharaoh regretted sending them away and ran after them in an attempt to force them to return. The pasuk tells us, ‘Pharaoh hikriv, Pharaoh came close.’ ‘Close’ has a positive connotation; coming close to someone is a term generally used in the positive sense, but Pharaoh had no positive intentions! He wanted to destroy the Bnei Yisrael! Chazal, however, tell us that something positive did come out of his efforts. As a result of the Jews’ fear, Pharaoh succeeded in ‘drawing close’ the hearts of the Bnei Yisrael to their Father in heaven. When the Bnei Yisrael saw Pharaoh drawing close, when they understood his diabolical designs against them, they davened to Hashem! They increased their yiras Shamayim.”

Rav Ezrachi continued, “I therefore want to give thanks to those here in Teveriah who, through their diabolical actions, have succeeded in bringing so many Teveriah residents closer to Hashem, as can be evidenced by this massive, beautiful event. After all, as a result of this event, tens of new shiurim will be established by Dirshu in this city, tens upon tens of new chavrusa partnerships will be started; so much Torah and so much yiras Shamayim will be added in this city!”

Nevertheless, Rav Ezrachi concluded by addressing the anti-religious mayor and urging him to desist his anti-religious designs, “Enough already!”

At the siyum, Dirshu announced that they will open more than 10 new daf yomi shiurim in Teveriah as well as daf ha’yomi b’halacha shiurim. In addition, they will accept any new learners who want to join their programs and allow them to take the test without the usual prerequisites that are in place in other locales in Eretz Yisrael. They will also be giving shiurim for aspiring maggidei shiur to improve their delivery skills.

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סיום מסכת חולין ע”י דרשו בטבריה | Dirshu Siyum on Masechta Chullin in Teveriah


סיום מסכת חולין ע”י דרשו בטבריה, הפקה: טיפ הפקות אירועים “The city of Teveriah has never seen such a powerful, overt demonstration of the importance of Torah. The crowd was massive, and it was clear that residents of Teveriah who care about Yiddishkeit were deeply moved. To see two octogenarian, leading gedolim, the Ashkenazi gaon…


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