Shas Yiden celebrate their 16th Annual Shas Siyumim with a double farher. Maran Hagaon Harav Eliezer Dovid Shapiro, Rav of Chasidei Sanz, Bnei Brak took a unique approach of focusing the Shas-wide questions across Shas through the prism of Tosfos. Not only did they have to vigorously defend their reasoning, but he also demanded exact sources of their proofs, including which daf, side a or b, location on the daf, and which Tosfos.
Another Kiddush Hashem video of the Shas Yiden avreichim geonim – A must view for lomdei and ohavei Torah.
To watch the dynamic farheren and Siyumim of Shas Yiden, and to read the full article, click on