Living in a generation with overwhelming responsibilities and endless distractions, Keiravtuni was born with the sole purpose to bring Yidden closer to Hashem, their families, friends and community.
Keiravtuni was first created in 2015 and with their first convention being so successful – it was immediately followed by 2 more weekends within the same year!
Their beautiful and lavish events feature some of the world’s most renowned lecturers and sought after personalities discussing topics which are imperative to every yid living in today’s generation. From Emunah to Avodos Hashem, Shalom Bayis to Chinuch.
Experience it for yourself!
Living in a generation with overwhelming responsibilities and endless distractions, Keiravtuni was born with the sole purpose to bring Yidden closer to Hashem, their families, friends and community. Keiravtuni was first created in 2015 and with their first convention being so successful – it was immediately followed by 2 more weekends within the same year!…