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Throughout the Jewish history, spanning thousands of years and 7 continents, the words of the Torah have always been a wellspring of hope for those enslaved, tortured or lost. From Dovid Hamelech, to the Marranos under trap doors, from Hillel to Jews in Siberia, the words gave them hope, the Torah gave them lifeline to hold onto.

In honor of R’ Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin’s miracle, and as a zechus for Jewish Prisoners, Dror searched for a way to let the prisoners who are still behind bars, know, that Klal Yisroel didn’t forget them. Dror wanted to keep their hope alive and bring support to their dark cells.

Torahope is Dror’s latest initiative to keep Klal Yisroel united and imbue Jewish inmates with hope. Together, Klal Yisroel is writing a few Sefer Torahs that will be donated to the shuls in prisons around the states. To make it affordable, anyone can sponsor a word in the Sefer Torah for only $10. Your $10 donation will go towards helping Jewish prisoners, their spouses and children.

Dror, established a decade ago, has been there for hundreds of Jewish inmates who have, unfortunately, been caught on the wrong side of the law. With extensive service, Dror helps Jewish inmates and their families get through the legal nightmare. Dror has also expanded to educate the community about preventative measures and legal information.

“Klal Yisroel has united to help R’ Sholom Mordechai. Let’s keep the unity alive and give all Jewish inmates a message that we haven’t forgotten about them,” said R’ Ephraim Stein, founder of Dror and longtime activist at the Seudahs Hoda’ah for R’ Sholom Mordechai.

In preparation for the massive Hachnasas Sefer Torah, donors who contribute $180 or more will get VIP passes for the event!

Give a prisoner your word. Give a prisoner a hope. Donate today and write your word or pasuk in the Sefer Torah!

A Continuation to Klal Yisroel’s Unity Moment: Sefer Torah for Prison

Shiezoli Throughout the Jewish history, spanning thousands of years and 7 continents, the words of the Torah have always been a wellspring of hope for those enslaved, tortured or lost. From Dovid Hamelech, to the Marranos under trap doors, from Hillel to Jews in Siberia, the words gave them hope, the Torah gave them lifeline…


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