13 years ago, Reb Lazer Scheiner saw the need for a shul in Monsey where every single Yid would feel welcome. Since then, Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim has grown exponentially. 125 minyanim per day, dozens of shiurim, and over 5,000 visitors ensure that the kol Torah and tefillah are heard around the clock.
“Growing up,” says Reb Lazer, “my parents taught us over and over that there were 12 shevatim and many different ways to serve Hashem.” That is the essence of the shul he founded. Every single person is welcome to daven, hang out, soak up the achdus, and receive a good word.
Now, Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim turns to its mispallelim: Partner with us and help us continue offering our services, bigger and better. Purchase a seat in our bais medrash and secure your share in the countless hours of Torah, tefillah, and chesed that emanate from this holy palace.
Let’s give with ALL our hearts.