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We would like to extend a very happy birthday wishes to a great man amongst us.

A man who dedicates his days and nights to others, and is a phone call away at any given time to those in need.

He is a man whose selflessness knows no bounds, and is a role model for all of us.

This man is Rabbi Yehudah Kaszirer, Administrative Director of Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim of Lakewood.

There is another aspect about Rabbi Kaszirer that deserves special mention.

Rabbi Kaszirer is a frequent flyer, constantly traveling the country and the world on behalf of Bikur Cholim. From the friendship houses that are run by Bikur Cholim of Lakewood at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, and the Cleveland clinic in Ohio, to traveling worldwide to assist patients in need.

Throughout his extensive travels there is not a tefillah that Rabbi Kaszirer has missed davening with a minyan! Not a Shacharis, Mincha, or Maariv!

Crossing the globe and back, at any hour of the day or night, Rabbi Kaszirer has shown his values by rearranging an entire days’ schedule so as not to compromise on davening with a minyan.

Below is a video from the famous ‘Bar Mitzvah Of The Century’ of Lazer Galperin one year ago today, where this special aspect of Rabbi Kaszirer was enlightened publicly as he was introduced to speak, and was also wished a happy birthday.

Rabbi Kaszirer spoke about the amazing work of so many who were involved with, and opened up their hearts for Lazer and the Galperin family during their stay in Lakewood.

But in reality is was Rabbi Kaszirer himself who orchestrated and arranged so much of these amazing efforts.

This is who Rabbi Kaszirer is.

To Rabbi Kaszirer, you are a true גומל חסד, an example to all around you, how to be dedicated to helping the כלל, and yet how to not compromise your עבודת ה׳ either.

We wish you a very happy and healthy birthday, and may הקב”ה grant you Koach to continue in your עבודת הקדש.

Extend your birthday wishes to Rabbi Kaszirer here – YEHUDAH@LRBCOL.ORG

To see more from the Bar Mitzvah visit

A Special Happy Birthday to a Frequent Flyer Who Never Missed a Minyan

We would like to extend a very happy birthday wishes to a great man amongst us. A man who dedicates his days and nights to others, and is a phone call away at any given time to those in need. He is a man whose selflessness knows no bounds, and is a role model for…


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