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The rallying cry of the attorneys helping Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Samet should have been sufficient to grant him an early release. However, he remains in confinement, separated from his dear family. Time after time again, the lawyers and family members of Rabbi Samet have had their hopes dashed; but one final push has given them a renewed sense of optimism. Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok constantly reminds those close to him, it is never time to give up, and with Hashem’s help there is always a chance for salvation.

Those who are not familiar with Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Samet and his life story, are always shocked by the incredible suffering he and his family have suffered through. Starting from: the unreasonably harsh sentence of 27 years, to the refusal to transfer him to Israel, to the unwillingness to ease any of his burden by transferring him to a milder prison. However, he and his family have accepted it all with grace and humility. Now his youngest child is getting married, and Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok is begging to be released in order that he can finally dance at his child’s wedding as a free man.

Years of struggle with both the American court system and the Israeli diplomatic courts, has so far not yielded any positive results. The State of Israel is refusing to request extradition, and the American immigration courts are refusing to grant him any leniency. Even though the new prison reform bill should have provided significant relief or even a chance at early release, the courts have placed another stumbling block before his lawyers by placing him an ICE Detainer to deport him to Israel.

One Final Push!

After many meetings and conferences, the noted Askunem of the prison reform bill, Rabbi Moshe Margereten, prestigious attorney Rabbi Gary Apfel, and many others have come up with one last hope. The plan is to appeal the government to grant Rabbi Samet a temporary citizenship on a humanitarian basis. He is nearly sixty years old and suffering needlessly in a harsh prison. The Askunim are saying that the chances are likely to finally provide some respite to his anguish and hopefully even an early release. Understandably, the process is arduous and expensive; therefore, we are turning to you, our brethren to help. This is a clear-cut case of pidyon shivuim and so much is at stake.

Klal Yisrael will Come Together to Save the Long-Suffering of Rabbi Samet!

We need to raise $1,000,000 to save Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Samet, and finally put an end to his pain. We are asking our compassionate Jewish brethren: please give your support and say enough is enough!

The z’chus of pidyon shivuim will surely be a meilitz yosher for you this Yomim Noruim, and ensure you and your family with a sweet and bountiful year.

ווען מען האט פאר’משפט ר’ מרדכי יצחק סאמעט פאר זיבן און צוואנציג יאר, האט זיך עס נישט געלייגט אויפן שכל. מען האט אייביג געהאפט אז עפעס א ישועה וועט קומען.

ער זיצט שוין זעקס טויזנט, ניין הונדערט און דרייסיג טעג!

יעצט ווען ארעסטאנטן איבער גאנץ אמעריקע אטעמען אפ מיט פרייד מיט די נייע גרינגערע רעגולאציעס האבן די אינסטאנצן מיט אן אכזריות אפגעסטעמפלט ר’ מרדכי יצחק אז ער קען נישט געניסן דערפון, נישט זייענדיג קיין פולשטענדיגער בירגער. זיי ווילן אים פייניגן פאר נאך:

ער זאל זיצן נאך צוויי טויזנט, ניין הונדערט און צוואנציג טעג!

זיי האבן אים שוין צוגענומען די בעסטע יארן. צען פון זיינע עלף קינדער האבן חתונה געהאט ווען ער איז אין טורמע. עס איז צייט צו שטורעמען די וועלט!

א געלונגענע שטאב פון עסקנים ארבעטן מיט לויערס און פאליטישע פירער, מיט א גרויסע בודזשעט צו דעקן די הוצאות, צו קענען אויס’פועלן אז ר’ מרדכי יצחק זאל ווערן א בירגער און ארויסגיין לחירות בע”ה.

ער קען נאך, און וועט נאך בע”ה, זיין אינדרויסן צו זיין בן זקונים, מוזישיניקל’ס חתונה.

אונזער געלט קען דאס אויס’פועלן!

תהא שנת פדות! די ישועה וועט ענדליך קומען, מיט אונזער, אייער, כח בסייעתא דשמיא!

A Super Human Mother!

Shiezoli The rallying cry of the attorneys helping Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok Samet should have been sufficient to grant him an early release. However, he remains in confinement, separated from his dear family. Time after time again, the lawyers and family members of Rabbi Samet have had their hopes dashed; but one final push has given…


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