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Albany, NY – A delegation of some 20 prominent yeshiva representatives and advocates organized and led by Agudath Israel of America spent this past Tuesday, May 11, in Albany, meeting with high-ranking government officials in an effort to forestall proposed budget cuts that could have a disastrous impact on the yeshiva community across New York State. Assemblyman Dov Hikind played a large role in assisting Agudah leaders in organizing the days important meetings.

Earlier this year, New York Governor David Patersons proposed budget included an allocation of $30 million to reimburse nonpublic schools for their expenses in complying with the states Comprehensive Attendance Program (CAP). A few weeks ago, though, with the states budgetary woes more pronounced than ever, Governor Paterson amended his budget proposal, cutting the CAP allocation by fifty percent to $15 million. As yeshivas in New York receive more than a quarter of the states total CAP allocation, the proposed $15 million cut would have translated into a loss of approximately $4 million for yeshivos across the state.

Agudath Israel Mission to Albany 2

Albany, NY – A delegation of some 20 prominent yeshiva representatives and advocates organized and led by Agudath Israel of America spent this past Tuesday, May 11, in Albany, meeting with high-ranking government officials in an effort to forestall proposed budget cuts that could have a disastrous impact on the yeshiva community across New York…


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