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We constantly hear songs with the following words: “Father/Hashem, I want to be close to you! I need you!” etc. Akiva Gelb glanced one Shabbos afternoon at the holy words by David Hamelech, Emor LeNafshi, tell my soul that even if I feel far from you I shall feel that your desire is to be close to me, inspired by the words from Esther: “Vetoivu Ani Be’Einav” which in essence is Hashem’s response to every one of us: “It is ‘good’ for ‘me’ (Hashem) to be with you.”

Akiva Gelb took this personally and felt the importance of spreading this beautiful encouraging message to Klal Yisroel. That no matter where we find ourselves, even in the most challenging and seemingly darkest places, it is always “good” for Hashem to be “there” with us.
It is His desire to be with you, you, and you.

This led Akiva to compose this beautiful song and right away called David Taub, who arranged the stirring music and choir, and Gershy Schwarcz, who together with Benhesh, captured the essence of our desire for Hashem’s closeness to us in motion picture. (Video for those who read plain English)

Remember! Hashem’s presence is never far away. Your situation, your location doesn’t matter; Hashem’s love for you is unchanging.

Let your heart be touched by this message!

For Bookings:
Akiva Gelb:

? Credits ?

– A Gershy & Gershy Production (Gershy Schwarcz & Gershy Moshkowitz)
– Composed & performed by: Akiva Gelb
– Music Arranged by: David Taub
– Choir by: David Taub
– Vocal Production by: Gershy Schwarcz @ Edgware Studios
– Mix & Master: Ronen Hilel

**Video Production:**
– Concept & Direction by: Gershy Schwarcz
– Filmed & Edited by: Benhesh

– Gershy Moshkowitz (You actually made it happen – you want to be close to me as well)
– Nachman Dreyer (on the guitar on the boat)
– Duvid Schwarcz (your voice could be “seen” throughout)
– Issac Gluck (on the flute)
– Yoel Lazer Klein (You are a pretty good swimmer)
– Sruly Kraut (Thank you for settling the police and the permits)
– Levy Leifer
– Levy Teitlebaum (I hope your Shtramul is dry by now)

**Special Thanks:**
For those who shied their faces from the camera but were there through the fun and the sinking of the boat and more:
– Ezriel Gelb (My brother)
– Shauly Kaufman (You are a great dronner)
– Ari Apel (special thank you for helping make this a true fun experience)

**Boat Rental:**
– Simchi

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed their time, talents, and energy to bring this masterpiece to life. We invite you to enjoy this musical journey and share it with others to continue spreading the beautiful message.

#AkivaGelb #GershySchwarcz #GershyMoshkowitz #DavidTaub #JewishMusic ?✨

Akiva Gelb | Hashem I am worthy of YOU being with ME! | עקיבא געלב – וטובה אני בעיניו


We constantly hear songs with the following words: “Father/Hashem, I want to be close to you! I need you!” etc. Akiva Gelb glanced one Shabbos afternoon at the holy words by David Hamelech, Emor LeNafshi, tell my soul that even if I feel far from you I shall feel that your desire is to be…

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