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Here’s the Official Audio Preview for the new album “Mein Neshamah Zingt” by Akiva Gelb!

Buy “Mein Neshamah Zingt”

Talented Singer & Performer #AkivaGelb has just released a beautiful album with brand new Hartzige Kumzitz songs all composed by his own called “Mein Neshamah Zingt”!

Akiva always had a feel and a passion for Music and Singing, after participating for years in adult choirs he felt that his place should rather be as a solo vocalist at weddings and more.

Akiva as a young child had own songs he use to compose by just sitting down to the piano and hitting the keys, the melody’s just used to flow into his mind and from there he expended them to beautiful songs.

Here and there he used to sing these songs at gigs he was hired to but at some point people started to ask from where these songs come, where can they listen to it, some people asked like from which of the old ‘Pirchei’ albums these songs come from. Akiva at that point didn’t know how to tell, but after singing these for a year or two and with incredible feedback he decided to collect a few from them and put them out professionally and share with Klal Yisroel to enjoy!

Akiva collaborated with talented young arranger Yeedle Rosenfeld to do the music for the album, Yeedle created such an amazing arrangement for the whole album to run on one very Hartzige, Kumzitz vibe.

If you enjoy songs made deep in the soul of a person, I ensure you’ll enjoy this one!

The album “Mein Neshamah Zingt” is available wherever Jewish Music is sold.
Also available on Nigun Music, Spotify & Apple Music!


Animation: LuzyBMotion.
YouTube Thumbnail: Yanky Heller/Arrange It Media.
Write-up: Yossi Shick.

Akiva Gelb – Mein Neshamah Zingt [Album Preview] Official Audio Sampler


Here’s the Official Audio Preview for the new album “Mein Neshamah Zingt” by Akiva Gelb! Buy “Mein Neshamah Zingt” Talented Singer & Performer #AkivaGelb has just released a beautiful album with brand new Hartzige Kumzitz songs all composed by his own called “Mein Neshamah Zingt”! Akiva always had a feel and a passion for…

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