Assemblyman Dov Hikind speaks at Yad Ephraim yearly volunteer Appreciation Dinner held at Artistic Framing on 13th Ave. in Boro Park August 4 2010
Yad Ephraim is a wonderful organization a group of dedicated volunteers who assemble and distribute complete dinner meals during Jewish Holidays more than 2000 meals are given out on Shabbos and Yom Tov to family members and companions of patients in Maimonides Medical Center and the Metropolitan Jewish Geriatric Center.
August 8, 2010
Assemblyman Dov Hikind speaks at Yad Ephraim yearly volunteer Appreciation Dinner held at Artistic Framing on 13th Ave. in Boro Park August 4 2010 Yad Ephraim is a wonderful organization a group of dedicated volunteers who assemble and distribute complete dinner meals during Jewish Holidays more than 2000 meals are given out on Shabbos and…
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