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‘Chusen & Kallah’s Moments’ are words that brings out in everyone’s heart emotion, when these words get presented by Famed Badchen “Sender Gelb”, -that’s no new name at all just well known- on an official video release, you’re ensured with a true heartwarming performance.

This medley of amazing poetry with a fabulous collection of songs was hand written and chosen by Sender, and in order to spice it up a bit he added the fine voice of the talented Shira Choir to accompany him, and thanks to amazing musician Hershy Pavel that did the music and added his finest touch to make this ‘The Masterpiece’.

As you probably know by now, in the past Sender had no one disappointed with content by always delivering top notch, and so is this time again when you’ll take a few minutes to enjoy a fantastic emotional, Hartzige experience.

Song List:
לאמיר צינדן – משה חזקי’ ווייס, בערי וועבער.
ברכו נפשי – אנשי פרידמאן, אברהם מרדכי שווארץ.
מאמע רחל – מב”ד.
ביד היוצר – אחים דסקל.
מוציא אסורים – הערשי וויינבערגער, מענדי ווייס.

Produced & Directed by: Yossi Shick.
Music by: Hershy Pavel.
Flute: Meyer Rosenblum.
Shira Choir Members: Yeedle Rosenfeld, Avrum Shea Fraund, Shlomo Wechter.
Mixed & Mastered by: Hershy Pavel.
Filmed & Edited by Motty Engel.
Design & Digital Marketing: ArrangeIt.Media.

Special Thanks To: Mordche Teitelbaum, Chaim Meir Fligman, Akiva Gelb, Ezriel Gelb.

Contact Sender Gelb:845.459.7774

Follow On Social Media Platforms:
Instagram –
Telegram – @SenderGelbFans

#badchen2020 #gramen #emotion #emotional #hartzig #musical #pure #soulful #rich #mitzvahtantz #chosen #kallah #mazeltov

Badchen Sender Gelb & Shira Choir – Chusen Kallah’s Moments | סנדר געלב – שירה – חתן כלה’ס מינוטן


‘Chusen & Kallah’s Moments’ are words that brings out in everyone’s heart emotion, when these words get presented by Famed Badchen “Sender Gelb”, -that’s no new name at all just well known- on an official video release, you’re ensured with a true heartwarming performance. This medley of amazing poetry with a fabulous collection of songs…

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