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VIN News – New York – In a visit to the national headquarters of Agudath Israel of America, Rabbi Meir Rubenstein, mayor of Beitar Illit, called on the American charedi community to help with the severe housing crisis in his city. “We have many communities in our city that desperately want to expand and build housing for young couples” said Rabbi Rubenstein. “Unfortunately due to the current freeze on new construction in Yehuda and Shomron, we are unable to.”
Rabbi Rubenstein met Wednesday with the leadership of Agudath Israel to talk about the latest developments in the city. Beitar, an all charedi city in the Gush Etzion area is home to 7000 families with a total population of 40,000 people. In welcoming him to the Agudah Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel Executive Vice President remarked how proud the American community is of Beitar with many in our community having children or other relatives living there.
In his remarks, the Mayor talked about the huge demand for housing in his growing community. With most young people being priced out of the housing market in Yerushalayim, there is a desperate need for additional housing solutions. Although land is available in Beitar they are prohibited from new construction due to the freeze. Rabbi Rubenstein pleaded with the Agudah group to use their political muscle and exert pressure on the Obama administration to suspend the current freeze primarily for Beitar and to make a distinction between communities like Beitar and other extreme and fringe communities in Judea and Shomron that may be given back in the context of a peace settlement.
The Mayor is currently on a trip to the United States to raise awareness of Beitar and to meet with potential investors.

Beitar Mayor: American Charedi Community Should Pressure Obama On “settlement” Freeze


VIN News – New York – In a visit to the national headquarters of Agudath Israel of America, Rabbi Meir Rubenstein, mayor of Beitar Illit, called on the American charedi community to help with the severe housing crisis in his city. “We have many communities in our city that desperately want to expand and build…

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