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800 parents of children who are struggling within the system and who hail from every community—Chassidish, Litvish, Yeshivish, Sefardic— recently attended the Kesher Nafshi convention in Stamford, Connecticut, with experts on parenting, Chinuch, and mental health.

by Zalman Goldstein

It is said that pain shared is pain halved. Spending the final weekend of 2021 with nearly 800 parents from around the world at the Kesher Nafshi convention in Stamford, Connecticut, taught me that it can also be healing tripled, even exponentially so.

Coming together with so many other parents who are on the same journey, searching for guidance and inspiration while raising children who are struggling within the system and with Yiddishkeit in general, infused me with incredible Chizuk, healing, sense of brotherhood, and hope. Although participants hailed from every community—Chassidish, Litvish, Yeshivish, Sefardic—and from nearly every continent, the sense of unity, mutual understanding and non-judgmental acceptance was as palpable as it was validating and nourishing.

Top experts on parenting, child development, Chinuch, and mental health, such as the world-renown Rabbi Shimon Russell, Rabbi YY Jacobson, Rabbi Shais Taub, Rabbi Benzion Twersky, Rabbi Daniel Kalish, Rabbi Aaron Friedman, Binyomin Greenspoon, and others, gave generously and selflessly of their time throughout the entire weekend, offering their wisdom, warmth, and practical guidence through a variety of lectures, workshops, keynote addresses, and nonstop hours of private consultations into the wee hours.

The experience was as magical as it was healing. Being together with so many parents who all clearly share a deep sense of dedication and love for their children, mirrored back to each and every one of us a feeling of being less alone, less isolated, imbuing a sense of faith and hope that there is indeed a path forward, and that there’s an ultimate purpose to each of our struggles.

Beri Weber Havdalah at Kesher Nafshi Convention Shabbaton – 2021


800 parents of children who are struggling within the system and who hail from every community—Chassidish, Litvish, Yeshivish, Sefardic— recently attended the Kesher Nafshi convention in Stamford, Connecticut, with experts on parenting, Chinuch, and mental health. by Zalman Goldstein It is said that pain shared is pain halved. Spending the final weekend of 2021 with…


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