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Bobover Chasidism Praying At The Ohel Of The Previous Bobover Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam (The Second) In Blessed Memory On The 9th Anniversary Summer 2009

Barely 300 chasidim survived ww2, and Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam took it upon himself to rebuild Bobov. He first settled in the West Side of Manhattan; later moving to Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, The Yeshiva was located on the west side of Brooklyn Avenue between Bergen and Dean Streets; it later moved to Borough Park. Rabbi Shlomo was known as a very wise man and a Gaon in Midos (Giant in good manners/attributes) and a true gentleman. He was noted for his steadfastness in not taking sides in disputes. This brought him great popularity and respect.

Over the more than fifty years that Rabbi Shlomo was Rebbe of Bobov; he founded and built a vast network of synagogues, chasidic schools for boys and girls (yeshivas), High schools (Mesivtas) and post high school houses of learning. Besides schools, a summer camp for boys was founded in 1957 in the Catskills’ Ferndale, NY. These institutions span the globe. At the time of his death in August 2000, he was mourned by more followers than his father had in pre-War Poland. His Hebrew date of death was the first of Av the same as that of Aaron the Biblical High Priest

Bobover Chasidism Praying At The Ohel


Bobover Chasidism Praying At The Ohel Of The Previous Bobover Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam (The Second) In Blessed Memory On The 9th Anniversary Summer 2009 Barely 300 chasidim survived ww2, and Rabbi Shlomo Halberstam took it upon himself to rebuild Bobov. He first settled in the West Side of Manhattan; later moving to Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn,…

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