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More than 160,000 kids stay home from school each day to avoid being bullied. That’s no way to receive a great education. Lets end bullying.

More than 160,000 students missing school each day because they’re afraid of getting picked on, taunted, beaten up bullying is something that happens every day in every school within all ages 1 in 6 students are bullied daily. 1 in 30 of those kids drop out of School. bullying is not fun and games its taking away the self esteem and confidence of a kid,

children of all ages please take your time watch this story and take a lesson for yourself if its you that’s getting bullied or you are the bully or even if you are a witness of bullying take a stand

Stand up, Speak out

Yours Truly,
Chaim Rothman

A Studio 123 Production

Produced by Studio123
Directed by Shia fried
Filmed by Sruly Saftlas
Edited by J. Friedman
Sound by Alex Roth
Production Assistant: Eli Klien

Chaim—Shimi Rosen
Sruly—Yisroel dovid Chekov
Moishe—Shua Engal
Eli—Tzvi Toub
Chaim’s brother—Efraim Potash
Rebbe—Rabbi Yossi Berdugo

Kids in class
Yanky Weider
Shimily Kohn
Shaul Davis

Special thanks to

Tuli Brill
Rabbi Ozer Babad
The Rosenberg Family
The Rosen Family

For more info go to


More than 160,000 kids stay home from school each day to avoid being bullied. That’s no way to receive a great education. Lets end bullying. More than 160,000 students missing school each day because they’re afraid of getting picked on, taunted, beaten up bullying is something that happens every day in every school within all…

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