The last decade has shown an explosion of Carlebach style kumzits singers. While previously most of them were litvishe, now there has been an influx of Chassidish performers. One standout individual, is Avrumy Straus. Avrumy is a chassidishe yungerman who was inspired by Yitzchak Fuchs and Reb Shlomo carlebach. He performs at Sheva Brochos, Bar Mitzvahs and simchas of all kind. Straus has always loved music especially Kumzits style, which gives people a more spiritual connection. Avrumy has been playing since the young age of seven years old. After performing for the last few years, Avrumy decided it was time to broaden his horizons and release a video showcasing his talent.
He is joined by keyboardist Efroyim Berkowitz and percussionist Shia Beck. This set was performed live at a fundraising event in Monroe, NY for the organization Ezer L’shabbos. This set includes the popular songs Git Shabbes, Reb Shlomo’s Sholoim Aleichem, Kiddush and Shabbos Zemiros. Avrumy’s voice coupled with his musical friends performance will warm you during this stormy weather. One can’t stop swaying to the music as they watch this mesmerizing performance.
נוסח קרליבך של תפילות השבת זכה לאהדה עצומה ולאינספור ביצועים מגוונים • כעת מגיש הזמר אברימי שטראוס את ‘מחרוזת שבת קרליבך’, יחד עם חבריו: אפרים ברקוביץ על הקלידים, ושעיה בק על כלי ההקשה • המחרוזת בוצעה במסגרת הדינר של ארגון ‘עזר לשבת’ שהתקיים בארה”ב
Mixed by: Shlomo Zalmen Vechter @shnitzler studios
Video by: Ben hesh studios
Live recorded by: Efroyim Berkowitz
Public Relations by: Yossi Zweig
To book avrumy
Call 6469359829
Email [email protected]
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