Song composed by Yosef Schick
Produced & Arranged By: Doni Gross
Performed by Shlomo Simcha, Rivie Schwebel, and Avrumi Schwebel.
The song is about the quest for Eliyahu Hanavi to come and inform us
of the Ultimate Redemption.
The text is in the Zmiros for Motzei Shabbos.
This song was dedicated and sponsored as a means to raise money for
the NEFESH FUND/THERAPY which provides monetary relief for those in need of Trauma therapy but cannot afford. The money is allocated mostly in
Israel for Americans in need who reside there. With no overhead the
money goes straight the the therapist, the operation is guided by
leading Rabbanim.
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#ShlomoSimcha #RivieSchwebel #AvrumiSchwebel