Thank You For Learning The Daf Yomi Today With Us!
00:00 – Good Morning
00:38 – Guests
02:14 –
05:44 – Emails
07:07 – and Guests
09:49 – Introduction
11:30 – Amud Aleph
37:25 – Amud Beis
52:26 – Have a Wonderful Day
Quiz –
Today’s shiur is sponsored
Anonymous – For the safe and speedy return of all the hostages
ืืขืดื ืืืจืื ืื ืืฉื
ืืขืดื ืืื ืืช ืืืกืฃ
Health and strength for Rav Eliโ
the Lock family Lakewood NJ, because ืชืืจื is the best ืกืืืืโ
Yosef Ben Chaya Sara for Parnassa B’revach
ืืขืืืื ื ืฉืืช ืืื ืืืจื ืจื ื ืคืชืื ืื ืืฆืืง ืืืืืืง ื”ื
Judith & Neil Halpern: l’iluy nishmas Neils’ beloved father, HaRav Dovid Zonvill Ben Shlomo
The Szlafrok Children: Thank you for enhancing our Sabaโs stay in Israel
Michael Chesal: In memory of my dear mother, Marlene Chesal (Chaya Masha Rivka B. Dovid) ืื ืชืฉืจื 2008
Turning of the daf:
The Belsky family:
In memory of Simcha Berel Dovid A”H ben Avraham Moshe
Kidnovations LLC:
In honor of my Uncle Reb Elchanan Pressman and Fishel. It should be a zechus for Akiva Simcha Ben Fayga, a shidduch for ืจืืงื ืืืืืืช ืืช ืืคื ืืื and a THANK YOU to Rebbitzen Stefansky for selflessly giving up her husband for the klal.
It should be a zechus for a year filled with Mazel, Bracha, hatzlacha, Parnassa B’revach and Refuah
Please consider Sponsoring our Shiur!
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Have a Wonderful Day!
Edited by Yosef Billyack
#Geshmak_to_do_the_Daf #BavaBasra #EliStefansky