Thank You For Learning The Daf Yomi Today With Us!
00:00 – Good Morning
00:12 – Guests
00:30 – Guess Who?
01:24 – Emails
02:14 –
04:45 – Emails
11:43 –
15:42 – Introduction
25:10 – Amud Beis
25:49 – Amud Aleph
36:16 – Amud Beis
57:00 – Have a Wonderful Day
Quiz –
Today’s shiur is sponsored
Anonymous – For the safe and speedy return of all the hostages
ืืขืดื ืืืจืื ืื ืืฉื
ืืขืดื ืืื ืืช ืืืกืฃ
Kidnovations LLC: In honor of my Uncle Reb Elchanan Pressman and Fishel. It should be a zechus for Akiva Simcha Ben Fayga, a shidduch for ืจืืงื ืืืืืืช ืืช ืืคื ืืื and a THANK YOU to Rebbitzen Stefansky for selflessly giving up her husband for the klal. โIt should be a zechus for a year filled with Mazel, Bracha, hatzlacha, Parnassa B’revach and Refuahโ
Yosef Ben Chaya Sara for Parnassa B’revach
Tzvi Spero: Refuah Shleimah for ืืืชืืจ ืืคืจืื ืื ืื ืืืืื
Refuah Shelaima for Yosef Chaim Shmuel ben Alte Nechama, From His Grateful Familyโ
In honor of R’ Eli from Naftuly Kraus at Blackbird Recruiting
Mordechai Sapoznick: Lzaicher Nishmas Horav Feivel Cohen, Horav Shraga Feivel ben Rav Eliezer Hakohein zt””l, Mechaber, of Badei Hashulchan, upon his yartzeit. May his neshama have an aliyah and may he be a meiletz yosher for his entire mishpacha, his entire kehila and all of Klal Yisroel!โ
PS Mazel Tov to my Brother, Aharon and Sister in law, Sarrite on the birth of a baby boy!โ
Jeff Rosner: ืขืดื ๏ฌฑื ื ืืืกืฃ ๏ฌซืืื ืืืื ๏ฌฑื ืืืืืดื ืจืณ ๏ฌชืืื ืืืืื ืจืื ืจ on his 2nd Yohrtzeitโ
Mark Aschkenasy: In Memory of my dear friend on his FIRST YARTZEIT, Yonah Michel ben Reb Yehuda Leib, Yoni Klahr A”H. Always with a big smile! He was a true Ohav Yisroel, an Oved Hashem & a huge Ba’al Chesed
Turning of the daf:
Bercovici Family
Lezchus Klal Yisroel
Glenn Esterson
Dedicated to Gilad “Jacob” Israel
Thank you for bringing the Daf into my life. B”H
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Have a Wonderful Day!
Edited by Yosef Billyack
#Geshmak_to_do_the_Daf #BavaBasra #EliStefansky