Thank You For Learning The Daf Yomi Today With Us!
00:00 – Good Morning
00:13 – Guests
02:57 – MDY’s Elon Musk
04:44 – Emails
12:40 –
14:30 –
15:03 – Amud Beis
20:17 – Amud Aleph
24:45 – Amud Beis
27:48 –
48:42 – Have a Wonderful Day!
Quiz –
Anonymous – For the safe and speedy return of all the hostages
ืืขืดื ืืืจืื ืื ืืฉื
ืืขืดื ืืื ืืช ืืืกืฃ
Yosef Ben Chaya Sara for Parnassa B’revach
Tzvi Spero: Refuah Shleimah for ืืืชืืจ ืืคืจืื ืื ืื ืืืืื
Refuat hanefesh and guf for Breina Bina bat Miriam baila, Ora bracha bat breina bina, Netanel Kalev ben ora bracha
For a fast and complete refuah sheleyma for Shmuel Nechemia ben Hinda
Refuah Shelaima for Yosef Chaim Shmuel ben Alte Nechama, From His Grateful Familyโ
Alen Kahen: Leiliu neshama of my mother Yocheved Mina bat Avrahamโ
the Cattan’s family: ืืขืดื ืืฉื ืื ืืื ืืดืโ
Benjamin Dessau: For the full recovery of my 6 month old son Roey Aharon Ben Miriam Tzipporah
Benny Wahrhaftig: In honor of our bubbys yartziet ืืจืื ืืช ืคืกื ืืืื
In memory of ืืืืขื ื ืืช ืฆืืื Nani (19)
24/7 mental health hotline
Dr. Label Honikman, Zacharyah Honikman & Peretz Chaim Levin: Liliuyai Nishmas our Father & Grandfather, ืืจืืื ืื ืืจืื ืืืื ืืืื Honikman
Who’s Yahrtzeit is today. He was a ืืชืืจ ืืกืืจืื for his fellow Yidden in Besarabia
Turning of the daf:
Kidnovations LLCโ
In honor of my Uncle Reb Elchanan Pressman and Fishel. It should be a zechus for Akiva Simcha Ben Fayga, a shidduch for ืจืืงื ืืืืืืช ืืช ืืคื ืืื and a huge THANK YOU toโ Rebbitzen Stefansky, plus all the brachos
Donny Fein & Rob Ernst of Elite Israel Realtyโ:
welcoming all the new olim. Proudly standing with you on your journey and to finishing shas together
Please consider Sponsoring our Shiur!
Learn the Daf Yomi on all the top streaming platforms:
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Have a Wonderful Day!
Edited by Ariel Leiba
#Geshmak_to_do_the_Daf #BavaBasra #EliStefansky