Thank You For Learning The Daf Yomi Today With Us!
Bava Basra Siyum Raffle
00:00 – Good Chodesh
00:17 – Breakfast Sponsor
02:27 – Emails
08:07 – Guests
09:08 –
14:18 – Amud Beis
27:58 – Amud Aleph
47:51 – Amud Beis
57:46 – Have a Wonderful Day!
Quiz –
Mesechta Sponsors:
Refuah Shelaima for Yosef Chaim Shmuel ben Alte Nechama, From His Grateful Family
For ืืฆืืื ืืจืืื ืืืช ืืืืฉืืืืช
Larry Cohn: In memory of Yechiel Moshe Ben Chaim vโYetta, who started learning Daf Yomi at age 70 and continued for 32 years until he was nifterโ
For the unity of the Jewish peopleโ
Monthly Sponsors:
For a fast and complete refuah sheleyma for Shmuel Nechemia ben Hindaโ
ืืขืดื ืกืืืื ืืช ืืืืจืโ
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ืืขืดื ืืืจืื ืื ืืฉื ืืขืดื ืืื ืืช ืืืกืฃ
Yosef Ben Chaya Sara for parnassa B’revach
As a zechus for our children & tremendous parnassa
Leilui Nishmat Yaffa Bat Simcha. Refuah Shlema Yisrael Yaakov ben Malka
Kidnovations LLC: In honor of my Uncle Reb Elchanan Pressman & Fishel. It should be a zechus for Akiva Simcha Ben Fayga, a shidduch for ืจืืงื ืืืืืืช ืืช ืืคื ืืื & a THANK YOU to Rebbitzen Stefansky for selflessly giving up her husband for the klal. It should be a zechus for a year filled with Mazel, Bracha, hatzlacha, Parnassa B’revach & Refuah
Shiur Sponsors:
Aaron Korda: L”N my Mother Shoshana bat Saadi who brought so much love & light into the world
Dr. Marc berkson: In honor of my wife, Varda. On the occasion of our 13th wedding anniversary
Geoffrey Rosenberg: In honor of my parents for all they do & for Uncle Phil and Mark keeping me going!
Loren & Sora Deetza Spigelman: In honor of the birth of a grandson, born to Nachi & Tzivie Lowe in Yrslm
Yerachmiel Seplowitz: L’ilui Nishmas my father Tzvi Hirsh ben Rachmiel, on his 63rd Yahrtzeit
Joel Appel: In honor of my great friend Moshe Aron Silverstein, who started learning the daf with Reb Eli every day
Art of the Monthโ:
For a zechus for Reb Eli and the whole MDY staff to continue to make Torah so enjoyable for so many
In honor of Yossi Klein & Mark Ashkenazi for all the work they do
Turning of the daf:
Bercovici Familyโ
In Honor of the MDY DAF Champions: โLeo, Shamshi Szlafrok, Uncle Fredi and Mr. Gross.โ
Mordy Strausโ
L’Refuah Shleima for our fearless leader & Chief Chaim Gavriel ben Tzivia Lana by the members of the Monsey Fire Departmentโ
Yaakov Citronโ
CitronFilms – Strategic video productionโ
Please consider Sponsoring our Shiur!
Learn the Daf Yomi on all the top streaming platforms:
Full Daf:
๐Watch us on all the big video Platforms๐
YouTube –
AllDaf –
Torahanytime –
Batorah –
๐Listen to us on all the big Podcast platforms with the link below๐
๐Download and Listen to us on the go๐
Torahanytime –
Spotify –
Telegram –
Batorah –
Have a Wonderful Day!
Edited by Ariel Leiba
#Geshmak_to_do_the_Daf #Sanhedrin #EliStefansky