“Dance A Second” Join us as we lift the heart and souls of the crowd. Let the music and singing make you feel the beat!!
Performed at a recent wedding in Brooklyn
1:00 Bench – Tzvi Silberstein
3:21 Hoshiu – Zanvil Weinberger
5:52 Ben Adam – Bini Lando
Performed By: Shtendig Musicality
Sung by: Levy Falkowitz
Choir by: The Shira Choir
Conducted and Remixed By: Yossi Shtendig
Production Manager: Shmash
Stage Manager: Aron Kranzer
Production arranger: Duvid Shtendig
Audio Post Production: Avrumi Berko
Live Sound: Yoely Karpen
Live Video: Motty Engle
Lighting: Yitzko Productions
Video Editing: Motty Engle & Rivkin media
Check out our social for more:
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/Shtendig-Music…
Instagram: https://instagram.com/YossiShtendig
Twitter: https://twitter.com/YossiShtendig
Snapchat: YossiShtendig, https://www.snapchat.com/add/YossiSht…
Levy Falkowitz
Tweets by LevyFalkowitz
Shira Choir
Tweets by TheShiraChoir