A new Dirshu video visually illustrates the halachic dilemmas solved in the Sefer Hamafteach
Sefer Hamafteach, a posek in your own home
Should we say Tefillas Haderech if there are communities along the entire journey? Can one person be motzi everyone else? Do you need to say Birchos Hatorah after sleeping in an airplane? Instead of calling your rav, simply open the Sefer Hamafteach and find the exact citation in the Mishnah Berurah and in the notes and additions to the Mishnah Berurah, and you will know the exact answer including all the opinions of the Acharonim on the topic.
Since the recent publication of Sefer Hamafteach, just a few weeks ago, the Torah world has been amazed at this revolutionary Torah work which creates the possibility for everyone to quickly access all the details of the halachah in the Mishnah Berurah, including all aspects of the law, the disagreements, and the opinions of the Acharonim on the topic, as they are brought in the Dirshu additions and explanations.
The work which preceded the publication of Sefer Hamafteach included exhaustive efforts over many years of gathering and cataloging thousands of discussions and piskei halachah from the book of the Kohen Gadol, the final posek for Klal Yisroel, from what he writes in the Mishnah Berurah, the Biur Halachah, and Shaโar Hatziyun. This together with the decisions of the greatest poskim and other additions brought in the clarifications and appendices in the Dirshu edition.
The book enables everyone who seeks to learn halachah to find the exact clause in the Mishnah Berurah or in the Shaโar Hatziyun. This will besiyata dโShmaya enable everyone to understand and gain insight, to listen, learn, and teach, safeguard, perform, and fulfil all the words of Your Torah with love.
What spurred on #Dirshu president, Rav #DavidHofstetter, and the other talmidei chachamim who edited the Mafteach, was their realizing the importance of this project for strengthening regular learning of the halachah in the Mishnah Berurah. Knowing the tremendous expectation and wish among those guided by halachah to see this greatly anticipated work completed, strengthened those involved with the endeavor, and baruch Hashem, with amazing siyata dโShmaya we have merited the book being greeted with enormous enthusiasm throughout the Jewish world.