VIN News: The Governor met with Assemblyman Dov Hikind at his Borough Park office, where more than 100 community members stood by to welcome and support the Governor. The Governor shared a few Sukkos-related words of inspiration with the crowd at Hikinds office.
Hikind strongly praised the Governor for his friendship and commitment to the community in the form of funding for many worthy projects, especially the $450,000 the Governor allocated for the Assemblymans sexual abuse task force.
Paterson then proceeded to the adjacent outdoor Simchas Beis Hashoevah (as previously reported on VIN), where he spoke again and even danced with many enthusiastic well-wishers.
Newly elected candidate City Comptroller John Liu and Public Advocate candidate Bill DiBlasio, who were also on hand, also spoke to the celebrating outdoor crowd.
Among the several community activists present were the founders of such organizations as Mekimi, Yad Ephraim, and Bikur Cholim of Borough Park.
October 8, 2009
VIN News: The Governor met with Assemblyman Dov Hikind at his Borough Park office, where more than 100 community members stood by to welcome and support the Governor. The Governor shared a few Sukkos-related words of inspiration with the crowd at Hikinds office. Hikind strongly praised the Governor for his friendship and commitment to the…
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