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For those seeking truth, the evidence points strongly to the following progression of events:
There are two Georgie companies — as a result of a divorce. Heidi purchased a high end wig from “Georgie the woman” in May. There is strong compelling evidence for this from the appointment book which was shown to me by Georgie. It seems pretty clear that it was not planned. One week later she had another appointment. There is strong, compelling evidence for this.
Sometime near Sukkos, the wig and the laundromat incident occurred.
There is strong evidence that it occurred with this wig. Georgie herself claims that it happened with the wig that she made. There is very strong evidence that this is the case.
I don’t think Georgie would lie for her at all. Georgie is a very well respected reputable woman, who has children living in the Five
Towns. The conversations I had with her, the new material she showed
me, the appointment books all indicate that she is extremely trustworthy. For her to be part of an elaborate charade would mean that she is extremely devious and has a criminal mind that dotted all the I’s and crossed all the t’s.
Georgie made her a new wig with a customer who did not come in and pay for one that she had ordered. This was, according to Georgie, the wig she now uses.
The judge called Sylvia, Georgie’s assistant, who told the judge that, yes, Heidi purchased a wig from her. Georgie herself was, in fact, away in France.
The judge asked to confirm the receipt. Sylvia responded that she was not in the office and the call was forwarded to her cell.
It is likely that the judge then Googled the company named Georgie and made a second phone call. She spoke to someone at the other Georgie Company. Someone at the other Georgie Company, in fact, sent an email to the judge that he was the person who spoke to her.
I personally have no doubts that these above statements are correct.
It is not possible to ascertain, however, how much the original wig had cost. They claim it was $3000. Georgie backs up this amount.
The receipt was a replacement receipt. Is this figure inflated and are they both lying?
Consider the following: I had a conversation not long ago with a sheitel macher in Bayswater who has a sterling reputation in the Five Towns. A high end sheitel with her cost about $2800 with all the trimmings. It seems reasonable that the very famous “Georgie” charges
$3000 for her high end sheitels too. Other customers of Georgie say that this figure is about right.
Georgie is talking about some of these points on tape.
My initial reaction upon seeing the other tape was that this couple was guilty of what the Court TV judge accused them of. I have since reversed myself completely. My belief now is that the judge was not careful at all and did some grandstanding here without looking at the evidence and issues carefully.
Below is the email from the other Georgie company to the People’s Court.
Email from Vice President of Georgie Wigs (Company #2) Hello,

My name is Shlomo Klein, VP of OSY Inc (parent company of Georgie Wigs).
I recently came across the You Tube video entitled “Wiggin Out”…

I believe that I was the one that received a call asking about some marking in a wig and as to whether or not they were a Georgie wig. I answered that they were not.

However, I do not know if you are aware that there are 2 separate entities:
We are Georgie Wigs, 888-GEORGIE.
Additionally, there is Georgie International. They can be reached at [email protected], or 718-253-3405.
Furthermore, I do not recognize the plaintiff, nor the type of receipt shown in the video.
I hope this clarifies any mix up.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions.

Thank You,
Shlomo Klein

I believe that the reputation of this couple has been irreparably damaged. Their error was in going on television to this court in the first place.
Yair Hoffman

Yair Hoffman

Georgie Wigs Speaks Out About The People’s Court Fiasco


For those seeking truth, the evidence points strongly to the following progression of events: There are two Georgie companies — as a result of a divorce. Heidi purchased a high end wig from “Georgie the woman” in May. There is strong compelling evidence for this from the appointment book which was shown to me by…

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