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A grand outdoor Simchas Beis Hashoeiva took place in Monsey, Sunday Chol Hamoed Sukkos. Nearly 2000 men women and children participated in dancing, singing and celebrating Zman Simchaseinu. The program was organized by Beis Menachem Mendel Lubavitch of Pomona under the leadership of Rabbi Dovid Weber in conjunction with NCFJE Chabad of Rockland. World famous singer Beri Weber took the event to new heights with his Lebedike and Hartzigeh Negunim.

A special children’s program preceded the music, where the 12 Pesukim were recited and exciting entertainment for the children was provided.

Monsey’s first Chabad Shliach Rabbi Simcha Werner, director of NCFJE Chabad of Rockland, inspired the crowd during a short intermission of the music, and spoke of the meaning of inner joy and of Simchas Beis Hashoeva.

The event was a tremendous show of Achdus and a Kiddush Lubavitch as a large and diverse representation of all Monsey’s residents participated in the celebration which lasted well into the night.

The event was co-sponsored by Khal Tzemach Tzedek Lubavitch as well as local business owners (All State Leasing Collision, KMR Tours, Lampe-Batkin Associates, Mark Nussbaum Attorneys at law, Sammy Construction).

Special thanks to Reb Yona Abenson and Reb Yisroel Friedman for their help in organizing the event, to Mr. Shmuel Zeigler for arraigning the music and to all others involved, including the Bochurem, in helping to make this event a success.

Grand Simchas Beis Hashoeva in Monsey


A grand outdoor Simchas Beis Hashoeiva took place in Monsey, Sunday Chol Hamoed Sukkos. Nearly 2000 men women and children participated in dancing, singing and celebrating Zman Simchaseinu. The program was organized by Beis Menachem Mendel Lubavitch of Pomona under the leadership of Rabbi Dovid Weber in conjunction with NCFJE Chabad of Rockland. World famous…


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