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The Purim Fund is a stand alone organization started by dedicated lay leaders in the Chicago community working with all the Rabbonim in the community.

Founded in 2009, the Chicago Purim Fund is a united effort of Rabbonim and community lay leaders committed to playing an active role in helping the silently struggling members of our community.

Having distributed on Purim over $2,500,000 in the past twelve years, the Purim Fund has already made a significant impact. Thanks to the unique structure of the Purim Fund, its extensive volunteer base and corporate sponsors, the Purim Fund is able to operate as a no-load fund. That means that One Hundred percent of your much-needed gift will reach its recipient.

As Purim approaches, the needs of our friends and neighbors are greater than ever. By partnering with the Purim Fund you are making a difference!

Chicago is a city world renowned for its generosity, yet unfortunately many families in our community continue to suffer.

Please open your hearts and contribute generously to the Purim Fund, while being Mekaim your Mitzva of Matonos Levyonim in a most desirable manner.

David Berkowitz – Tomer Bitton – Matis Blisko – Shmuel Mashiach – Yosef Olstein – David Rosenwasser

To Donate Please Visit

We thank you for your continued support

Video and editing done by: Vivid Eye Media
For more information, email us at:
Click here for our YouTube channel…



Purim spirit in the air,
music blaring everywhere,
Enough Hamantashen for all to share,
Snappers and cap guns come prepared!

Spin your Grager by Haman’s name, don’t stop making noise, don’t be afraid!
Get dressed up and paint your face,
we’re gonna have a blast, it’s time to celebrate!

Hey buddy, come and join me, we’re gonna sing and dance, raise ur glass of wine!
Hey buddy, join the party, yah let’s sing and dance, and drink another l’chaim!

Oompa Loompa whinny the poo
Ya got cat in the hat thing one thing two,
so many costumes whatcha gonna choose, it don’t really matter once ya drink a little booze!

Mordechai, Esther, and Uncle Sam, and of course we’ve got newsies back again!
Mishloach Manos to teachers and friends, driving across town in traffic jams!

Hey buddy, come and join me, we’re gonna sing and dance, raise ur glass of wine!
Hey buddy, join the party, yah let’s sing and dance, and drink another l’chaim!


The most important part of Purim we cannot forget, there’s so many fellow Yidden who are in debt, כל הפושט יד when they come to collect, lend a helping hand keep writing those checks!

Hey buddy, come and join me, we’re gonna sing and dance, raise your glass of wine, hey buddy, join the party, yah let’s sing and dance, drink another l’chaim!

Hey buddy, come and join me, we’re gonna sing and dance, raise your glass of wine, hey buddy, join the party, yah let’s sing and dance, drink another l’chaim!

[goes up a key]

Hey buddy, come and join me, we’re gonna sing and dance, raise your glass of wine, hey buddy, join the party, yah let’s sing and dance, drink another l’chaim!


Special thank you to the Lipschutz and Katz Families.

A very special thanks to our amazing cast including:
Oompa Loompa
Winnie The Pooh
Covid conscious Cat In The Hat
Thing 1
Thing 2
Uncle Sam
Mr. Gvir
Little Cowboy
Y. Stefansky
And of course “The Newsies”
Ozer Dalim Hoshiah Na!

Thanks to:
The Vinyard
Troy Roberts
R’ Moshe Katz
Rabbi Chaimowitz
Y.Y, Yitzi, Eli & Momo

#Purim2022 #Purim #PurimMusicVideo

Hey Buddy! Official Music Video – Purim 2022 The Purim Fund is a stand alone organization started by dedicated lay leaders in the Chicago community working with all the Rabbonim in the community. Founded in 2009, the Chicago Purim Fund is a united effort of Rabbonim and community lay leaders committed to playing an active role in helping the silently struggling members…


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