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This time of the year is very auspicious.
The Yom Tov of Shavous is when gantze Klal Yisrael stood together at Har Sinai united,
K’ish Echod B’lev Echad, to serve and praise Hashem through Torah and Tefila.

I am honored to introduce to you a very special song titled ‘Ich Daven’ composed by legendary songwriter Anshie Friedman and produced by my dear friend, Avrum Mordche Schwartz.
It is my belief that the melodies and soulful words of this song, will bring you closer to
Hashem and strengthen your connection to him when you daven.

Klal Yisroel is still reeling from the tragic event that happened in Meron where 45 holy neshamos were lost, one of them being my dear friend Shragee Gestetner A”H.
If anyone will have a התעוררות לתשובה by listening to this song,
may it please be לעילו נשמתו הטהורה.

Produced & Directed by: Avrum Mordche Schwartz
Composed & Lyrics by: Anchie Friedman
Music Arranged by: Mendy Portnoy

Vocals Recorded at Enterprise Studios Brooklyn NY
Engineered & Edited by: Chaim Yitzchok Goldman

Piano: Mendy Portnoy
Bass: Guy Daan
Guitars: Noam Chorgel
Clarinet: Avraham Balti
Strings: Stanislov & Co.
Recorded at Ruli Ezrachi Studios Toms River NJ

Back up vocals
Mendy Portnoy & Levy

Mix & Mastering Ronen Hillel

Cover art & Graphics by Yanky Perl
Video edited by Ari Levy

Lyrics : מילים
איך דאווען נישט ווייל מ’דארף
איך דאווען ווייל איך וויל
איך דאווען נישט ווייל מ’מוז
איך דאווען ס’איז
די גרעסטע מתנה
וואס דער אייבערשטער האט מיר געשאנקן

מי כשם אלוקינו בכל קוראינו אליו

איך שטיי פאר דיר
איך בין נאנט צו דיר
מיין הארץ איז אפן ביי דיין טיר
איך בעהט דיך טאטע
זיי מיר מיך מזכה
און זיי ממלא מיין בקשה

Available to stream on
Apple Music :

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Bookings: (845) 821 9970 /

#IchDaven #LevyFalkowitz

Ich Daven – Levy Falkowitz | איך דאווען – לוי פלקוביץ

This time of the year is very auspicious. The Yom Tov of Shavous is when gantze Klal Yisrael stood together at Har Sinai united, K’ish Echod B’lev Echad, to serve and praise Hashem through Torah and Tefila. I am honored to introduce to you a very special song titled ‘Ich Daven’ composed by legendary songwriter…


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