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The IDF released new footage of the tunnel where the six hostages were executed by Hamas terrorists on Tuesday evening.

IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari entered the tunnel, “20 meters below, where the hostages were murdered.”

Hagari noted that the tunnel shaft “was in a children’s room,” with pictures of Disney characters such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse on the walls. He stated that there was a “hidden floor” used by the Hams terrorists to conceal the tunnel shaft. “All they needed to do was break the floor and then go out through the children’s room, outside to the street, and go back into the tunnel. This is how Hamas built this tunnel.”

He climbed down the 20-meter-deep tunnel shaft. The tunnel at the bottom was “so low, you can’t stand up straight in it,” the IDF Spokesman said. 120 meters in, the tunnel ended at an iron dome, which was where the hostages were held and murdered.

“We know that between 2-6 terrorists were here with the hostages,” Hagari said. “We are gathering all the stuff here for forensics, for intelligence.”

Magazines for AK-47 assault rifles were found in the tunnel, as were Qurans.

“There were women here in the tunnel,” Hagari said, pointing out a large bloodstain on the ground. “This is their blood.”

He continued, “This is the blood of Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Ori, Almog, and Alex. They were heroes, and they were here in this tunnel. [Whether] for weeks or days, we will find out. But they were here in this tunnel in horrific conditions, where there is no air to breathe, where you cannot stand. And they survived, but they were murdered by terrorists.”

Hagari said, “We are examining the materials and following every lead to track down the terrorists responsible for this heinous murder.”

“There are still hostages,” he noted, “101. Some of them are still alive, in the same conditions, in tunnels like this in Gaza. And we need to do everything we can, in all means, to bring them back home alive.”

“Why murder innocent people?” he asked. “Women, young men. They were all in the music festival, and Carmel was at her home in the kibbutz. Why murder them in a tunnel after they survived eleven months in horrific conditions?”

“We will keep on doing everything we can, everything to bring back home all the hostages,” Hagari vowed.

The Hostages Families Forum Headquarters said in a statement in response to the footage, “Tonight’s footage from the “Tunnel of Horrors” is shocking. It reveals the horrific conditions endured by Carmel Gat, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Alex Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, Ori Danino, and Eden Yerushalmi – for 11 months. They were confined in narrow 1.5 meters tall tunnels, deep underground, deprived of air, sanitary conditions and subjected to constant mental and physical abuse before their brutal execution.”

“Carmel, Hersh, Alex, Almog, Ori, and Eden suffered until their last breath. They begged to be released, pleaded for their lives. Fought for their lives until their death,” the forum stated,

“There are 101 hostages still held in Gaza, enduring unimaginable suffering. Hungry, exhausted, tortured, they cling to a single hope: that we will continue fighting for their freedom. They trust us to bring them home,” the statement continued.

“Every day in captivity is eternity. Every day that passes is a danger to their lives, hanging by a thread, at the mercy of terrorists capable of the worst crimes against humanity.

“Time is running out! That light, that hope, cannot die. A deal must be signed NOW!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​” the forum demanded.

IDF Presents Video of Tunnel where Hostages were Killed by Hamas


The IDF released new footage of the tunnel where the six hostages were executed by Hamas terrorists on Tuesday evening. IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari entered the tunnel, “20 meters below, where the hostages were murdered.” Hagari noted that the tunnel shaft “was in a children’s room,” with pictures of Disney characters such as…

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