As Rosh Hashana is approaching, people are out buying ingredients to make delicious meals. If you’re a gefilte fish lover, you don’t have to go fishing for it, like these two men did! Stop by Freund’s Fish in the heart of Boro Park, and get the best tasting fish and other exclusive ingredients for the Jewish holidays.
Back in the 1940s, most families kept their live fish in the tub until they were ready to grind it – bones and all – into gefilte. In 1949, Shea Freund opened Freund’s Fish — and changed the way Boro Park prepared fish, forever.
Freund’s Fish became a powerful force in the burgeoning kosher food industry. Freund’s offered customers the things they want most — a spotless store, excellent service, and always, the absolutely freshest, highest quality fish. Oh, and one more thing, the personal touch.
Shea Freund and his son Moshe Aryeh made sure that each order, no matter how large or small, was prepared perfectly and delivered promptly. Freund’s became part of every Shabbos, of every special occasion. Brooklyn was hooked. Because Freund’s was more than a store. It was family.
Today Freund’s is still a family business. We’re still slicing fish with care at our flagship store on Fifteenth Avenue in Boro Park —And today you’ll find the most upscale Freund’s products wherever kosher food is sold.