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VIN News – The seeds for Kosher Innovations, the Canadian manufacturer of the Kosher Lamp and other unique products for the kosher consumer, were sown when Rebbetzin Chana Veffer wanted a practical way to have proper reading light on Friday nights. Her husband, Rabbi Shmuel Veffer approached Moshe Orzech, one of his congregants in the Aish Village Shul in Toronto, who happened to work in the lighting business.

It took approximately two years for the pair to work out all the technical and halachic nuances of producing a lamp with a movable shade that would safely provide adequate light but could still be covered as needed, but in 2004 the classic Kosher Lamp took the Jewish world by storm. While the original Kosher Lamp Classic has been retired its successors, the decorative Regency Kosher Lamp, pink or blue bear shaped Teddy Night Lights and Kosher Lamp Max, available in seven colors, can be found in Jewish homes is all over the world.

Realizing that the Kosher consumer has certain needs that were not being address by commercially available products, Kosher Innovations began to grow their product line and today, they offer two different clocks featuring multiple alarms with automatic shut off for Shabbos, Fridg-eez, a Velcro strap to disable the refrigerator light on Shabbos, Shabbos toothbrushes and toothwash, a light box for checking lettuce and unique precut Shabbos toilet tissue which hangs on a standard toilet paper holder. All products are approved by Rabbi Shlomo Miller, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Avreichim of Toronto.

While most of the ideas have been developed in house, Moshe Orzech President of Kosher Innovations says that consumers often send in suggestions for new products and the company’s website,, has a link for people who would like to submit ideas for consideration.

“We encourage people to come forward with their ideas,” said Orzech. “There is another Kosher Lamp idea out there. And if we are not going to come up with it we want someone else out there and we would love to work with them.”

The goal at Kosher Innovations is to come up with novel products for the Jewish community at the lowest cost possible in order to provide the best value to customers. The “T” Sweater, for example, a grey v-neck sweater with zippers up the sides of the sleeves to accommodate tefillin wearers, though popular among customers, was discontinued when price increases made the product no longer commercially viable.

In an exclusive VIN News video interview, Yosef Shidler of CJ Studios talks to Moshe Orzech about the success of Kosher Lamp and other fascinating products produced by Kosher Innovations.

Innovator Behind Kosher Lamp In Interview With VIN News


VIN News – The seeds for Kosher Innovations, the Canadian manufacturer of the Kosher Lamp and other unique products for the kosher consumer, were sown when Rebbetzin Chana Veffer wanted a practical way to have proper reading light on Friday nights. Her husband, Rabbi Shmuel Veffer approached Moshe Orzech, one of his congregants in the…

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