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Be an author! Help Kapayim rewrite those unfortunate stories by donating at
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When a child or parent is diagnosed with a serious illness, the fear, dread and confusion are overwhelming. Millions of thoughts swirl through the minds of parents – the grueling treatments, the unknown results, and above all, “what will become of the rest of the family?”

Through thoughtful, research-based and direct interventions, Kapayim, Be’ezras Hashem, seeks to lessen the negative impact of cancer and other serious short- term illnesses on the patient, siblings and the whole family unit. Kapayim provides effective supports that are either Center-based, home based, or hospital based in order to sustain the usual patterns of family and child functioning.

Its founders are people who have seen firsthand the critical effects of illness on a family. Their unique way of providing light and warmth comes from their main goal – על כפים ישאונך “On the palm of their hands you will be carried.”

With the help of Hakadosh Baruch Hu, Kapayim carries the burden of mothers, fathers, and children of all ages with their support. Each family in need is offered a carefully designed multi-faceted system of aid, allowing the traumatic impact of disease to fade, ultimately letting hope and relief prevail.

Kapayim. Home and heart for families suffering from medical illness.

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בעזרת השם
Produced & Directed by Hershy Menczer
Cinematography – Igor Perchuk
Camera operator 1 – Brandon Lanski
Camera operator 2 – Marco Vitale
Assistant camera – Anderson Tait
Assistant director – Sani Weiss / Corel image
Creative assistant – David Berger, Moshe Deutch, Joel Schwartz
Set operations – Moshe Deutch, Mattes Schmerler, Yoiny Fisher
VFX & Motion graphics – Alice Spencer, Eliot Rollins
Film score & Sound design – Shimon Strohli
Graphics design – Lina Perchuk, Asher Spitzer
Art design – Jo Gibbs
Scriptwriter – Hershy Menczer
Narrator – Rick Freeman
Colorist – Igor Perchuk

A special thanks to – Sruly Menczer, Usher Mayer, Yoel Klein, Mordchy Honig

Inside out – The silent story. #Kapayim


Be an author! Help Kapayim rewrite those unfortunate stories by donating at (Alternate link ) When a child or parent is diagnosed with a serious illness, the fear, dread and confusion are overwhelming. Millions of thoughts swirl through the minds of parents – the grueling treatments, the unknown results, and above all, “what…

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