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Irgun Torah is an organization which it’s prime mission is creating and promoting Limud HaTorah thru various daily and weekly shiurim on Rambam daily 1 and 3 perakim, daily daf and daily amud Gemorah shiurim, daily Chassidus and Likutei Sichos Shiurim among others.

Also offering unique learning programs such as Semichas Chaver, Kitzur Yomi, Sunday morning Kollel, Thursday Night Chassidus and more. We also strive to celebrate from time to time Torah learning thru Rambam and Gemorah siyumim and sometimes Farbrengens.

The shiurim are available in local Crown heights shuls and available online thru WhatsApp, YouTube and audio Podcasts. We B”H have daily/weekly podcasts on Rambam, Gemorah, Mishnah, kitzur shulchan aruch, Shaar Habitachon, Chassidus, Reb Levi Yitzchok on the parsha etc..

For more info on local and online Shiurim click here. To start a new shiur in your local shul or if you’d like to give a shiur contact Rabbi Avrohom Rotban at [email protected]. We also welcome any suggestions and input for new programs or ideas to enhance our existing projects.

We look forward to the day that Torah will fill the world as the waters fill the sea, thru the ultimate redemption & may we hasten it now by our increase in Torah learning!

Irgun Torah – How it Started

Shiezoli Irgun Torah is an organization which it’s prime mission is creating and promoting Limud HaTorah thru various daily and weekly shiurim on Rambam daily 1 and 3 perakim, daily daf and daily amud Gemorah shiurim, daily Chassidus and Likutei Sichos Shiurim among others. Also offering unique learning programs such as Semichas Chaver, Kitzur Yomi,…


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