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Hundreds of pilgrims were still waiting to be evacuated from a crowded Lag B’Omer Jewish festival in Meron on Friday morning, after at least 44 people were killed at the site during a stampede on Thursday night, which left dozens wounded.

Several ambulances were seen in line near the venue, while many people walked on the side of the road and boarded buses to leave the site.

Authorities are still investigating the incident.

During the stampede, which involved a structure collapsing at the festival, several people slipped, causing dozens more to fall as a consequence. Authorities evacuated the festival and a field hospital was set-up on site, while dozens of ambulances and six helicopter evacuated the injured.

The incident took place as tens of thousands of primarily ultra-Orthodox Jews participated in the annual event, around the tomb of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, a 2nd-century Tannaitic sage. The festival was the largest event taking place in the country since the beginning of the pandemic.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called the incident a ‘heavy disaster.’

Israel: Hundreds wait to be Evacuated after deadly Disaster in Meron


Hundreds of pilgrims were still waiting to be evacuated from a crowded Lag B’Omer Jewish festival in Meron on Friday morning, after at least 44 people were killed at the site during a stampede on Thursday night, which left dozens wounded. Several ambulances were seen in line near the venue, while many people walked on…

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