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Jerusalem: 2 Israelis Stabbed; Terrorist Shot

IDF soldier and civilian wounded, both young men in their 20s who were waiting for the Jerusalem tram

A terrorist on Monday stabbed and wounded two Israelis who were waiting for the tram on Bar-Lev Boulevard in downtown Jerusalem, not far from the Police national headquarters.

Policemen present at the scene shot and killed the terrorist.

One victim was evacuated by a Magen David Adom (MDA) team in serious condition, and the second was evacuated in light condition with stab wounds to his back.

Both victims are in their early 20s. One is a soldier who was in uniform, the other a civilian.

This particular tram station has been the scene of previous terror attacks.

This attack is the latest in a string of terrorist incidents in recent days carried out by Arabs in tandem with Hamas rocket attacks on Israel.

While the campaign in the Gaza Strip came to an end on Friday, tensions have remained high in Jerusalem and throughout Judea and Samaria.

Israeli Civilian, Soldier Stabbed By Terrorist At Ammunition Hill Light Rail Station


Jerusalem: 2 Israelis Stabbed; Terrorist Shot IDF soldier and civilian wounded, both young men in their 20s who were waiting for the Jerusalem tram A terrorist on Monday stabbed and wounded two Israelis who were waiting for the tram on Bar-Lev Boulevard in downtown Jerusalem, not far from the Police national headquarters. Policemen present at…

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