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Moshe katz is a singer and a guitarist. A famous kumzitzer, moshe has a knack for sweeping his crowd into the depth of neginah. Either with a Carlbach story or just a hartziga nigun, they get ignited and swept in Moshe has sung and performed at many of the kollel functions.

This video was produced in honor of a Siyum Hashas that the members of Kolel Ohr Shmuel, made לעילוי נשמת Shmuel z”l.

Kollel Ohr Shmuel was established two years ago in memory of Shmuel Gellis. A 4 year old boy with a pure Neshama who was tragically killed in an accident on the 28th of Av.

Moshe, Shmuels father, together with his close friend Feivish Waxman, established a small early morning Kollel, as a zechus for Shmuel.

It started with a small group of men who planted a seed by committing to learn every morning at 6AM. This seed quickly grew to an astonishing number, with hundreds of men who currently are members of this unbelievable kollel.

They consist of baleibatim, rabbeim and kollel yungerleit who are driven and committed to start their day with Torah. Anyone who enters Bais Medrash Lutzk, under the leadership of Rav Zalman Sorotzkin shlit”a, at the wee hours of the morning, while still dark outside, stands in shock at the magnificent sight of a packed bais medrash with a kol torah roaring through it. Some of these men hadn’t had any connection with Torah learning in many years until they joined Kollel Ohr Shmuel.

Now they’re growing day by day. It’s been proven to be a life changer. It’s not just the hour of learning that’s different, rather it’s their whole day, their whole life, their whole being, that’s been transformed.

R’ Uri Beane joined the kolel and felt himself shteiging like never before. He literally felt the connection and started to taste the sweetness of Torah.

One morning, as R’ Uri was living up his time in front of his gemara he thought to himself “NOW I FEEL LIKE I’M REALLY LIVING”. Out of his uplifted spirit, this composition came straight out of his heart to the words “Ki heim chayeinu”. It should be noted that R’ Uri had never composed a song before this one. The power of the connection to the sweet words of אביי and רבא.

Moshe Katz so talently brought the raw composition to the beautiful creation in front of you.

As this goes out, we received the sad news of the passing of Rabbi Eliyahu ben R Yosef Beane, father of R’ Uri, whose whole life was Torah. May this be a zchus for his neshama and a consolation for his wonderful family.

Composed: R’ Uri Beane
Vocals: R’ #MosheKatz
Child soloist: #ShimonStern
Mens Choir: R’ Zalmen Sorotzkin Shlita, Yechiel Rivlin, Yehuda Geller, Uri Beane, Moshe Gellis, Fivish Waxman
Recorded and arranged: Chesky Churney [email protected]
Mixed and mastered: Ian Freitor @playmasterstudio

Drums: Avi Avidani
Guitars: Ziv Shalev
Piano: Shmuel Balter
Strings: Yoad Nir
Bass: Mark Coreli

Ki Heim Chayeinu – Moshe Katz | כי הם חיינו – מושי כ”ץ


Moshe katz is a singer and a guitarist. A famous kumzitzer, moshe has a knack for sweeping his crowd into the depth of neginah. Either with a Carlbach story or just a hartziga nigun, they get ignited and swept in Moshe has sung and performed at many of the kollel functions. This video was produced…

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