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Kretchma – Dovy Meisels ft. Pinky Weber

I’m releasing this song in time for Shabbes Nachmi when The Nuvie said to us Yidden in the name of Hashem, ‘Nachmi Ami’ we should stop mourning on the destruction of the Beis Hamikdush because greater times are on the way for us.

As it is well known in the name of much Tzadikim, amongst others the holy R’ Meir from Premishlan, they used to say in Yiddish “Bizen Kretchma Darf Men Oich A Trink (Until the tavern you can use a drink as well)” to express in prayers the need of Yeshua’s & Refuah’s ‘UNTIL” these good times will arrive and Mashiach will take us to our last stop to Yerushalayim.

There’s no better time to release such a heart stirring melody then a year like this that had a few very very heart tearing tragedies, so with such a beautiful melody that i was Zocha to get from the utmost king ‘R’ Pinky Weber’ we’ll just continue to pray to Hashem for our redemption but until then he should throw at us lots of Yeshua’s and everything we need!

ביז׳ן קרעטשמע

דער הייליגער רבי מאיר פרמישלאנער האט אמאל געזאגט
ריבונו של עולם של עולם כאטש די זמן הגאולה איז נאך נישט דא
אבער ריבנו של עולם של עולם
ביזען קרעטשמע דארף מען אויך א טרינק
ווייל די גרויסע גלות איז דאך גארנישט גרינג
אוי ריבנו של עולם של עולם

לא עת האסף המקנה
כאטש די צייט איז נאכנישט דא
הארציגער טאטע די געב אינץ שוין
ווייל ווער נאך ווי א טאטע אליין ווייסט
וואס איז פאר זיין קינד די איינציגסטע טרייסט
השקו הצאן

Song Composed by: R’ Pinky Weber
Music Arranged by: Naftali Schnitzler
Choir by: The Shira Choir/Yoely Horowitz
Vocals by: Shlome Wechter/Volume Studios
Mixed & Mastered by: House Of Music
Cover Design by: Mayer Ungar
Video Produced by: Studio On Dot
Directed by: Ari Levy
Storyboard Art by: Shlome Klien

Filmed at

Breezeway Farm
161 Anawana Lake Rd, Monticello, NY

Special Thanks to:
Yanky schechter & his wife
Yossi Shick

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Kretchma – Dovy Meisels Ft. Pinky Weber קרעטשמע – דובי מייזעלס עם פינקי וועבער


Kretchma – Dovy Meisels ft. Pinky Weber I’m releasing this song in time for Shabbes Nachmi when The Nuvie said to us Yidden in the name of Hashem, ‘Nachmi Ami’ we should stop mourning on the destruction of the Beis Hamikdush because greater times are on the way for us. As it is well known…

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