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The City Mikvah – Mei Daniel is located in the lower level of the Bucktown Wicker Park Chabad Jewish Center on Milwaukee Avenue.

The mikvah is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz z”l, who led Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois until his sudden passing at the age of 59. He dedicated his life to bringing light and life to others, and it is a fitting tribute that his legacy will live on through the Jewish lives impacted by the mikvah that bears his name.

“The mikvah is a beautiful thing for me,” said Regina, who was first introduced to the concept by Sara Moscowitz in advance of her wedding in 2009. “It’s very spiritual … a time to feel connected, something so beautiful I look forward to. I love every aspect of it, the preparation, the immersionโ€”and it will be all that much more special here.”

“There are not many observant people in this area,” adds her husband, Eric. “Mikvah was the first mitzvah we did as a couple, the beginning of our life together. If other people will find an attractive and inviting mikvah experience right here in the neighborhood, there is no telling what can happen.”

Join Chabad in completing this special project to bring greater spirituality and purity to the Bucktown Jewish community โ€“ for the the future of this community, the pride of the Jewish people, and the legacy of Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz z”l.

LIVE: Grand Opening of The City Mikvah – Mei Daniel Featuring Cantor Yaakov Lemmer – 6:30PM

Description The City Mikvah – Mei Daniel is located in the lower level of the Bucktown Wicker Park Chabad Jewish Center on Milwaukee Avenue. The mikvah is dedicated in memory of Rabbi Daniel Moscowitz z”l, who led Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois until his sudden passing at the age of 59. He dedicated his life to…

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